Week 8

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Ashton (His POV)
I woke up in the middle of the night in an empty bed to the sound of a kitchen cabinet being closed in the kitchen. I smiled to myself knowing Mandy was probably having another one of her cravings. I got out of bed and found her in the kitchen, spooning Vegemite out from the jar. "Midnight craving?" I chuckled, causing her to jump. "Ash, you nearly scared me to death." Mandy exhaled then giggled, putting a spoonful of Vegemite into her mouth. Her cravings had really kicked in this week and it was just another thing about her pregnancy that made it all seem real. It was interesting yet fun seeing what her cravings were day to day, it was quite a sight. "I thought you hated my Vegemite," I pointed out. "I do," she laughed, "but I am carrying your baby and I can't seem to get enough of it." I laughed shaking my head then came behind her and wrapped my arms around her, resting my hands on her stomach. "My baby," I repeated still in awe how she really is carrying my baby inside her. "Can I have a bite?" I asked, with my chin on her shoulder. "Sorry Ash, this jars almost empty and I for once need it more than you." I laughed, "You've got a good reason- the only reason I'll make an exception for." I remained wrapped around her as she continued to stuff her mouth, cleaning the Vegemite jar up. "Hey, can you get some more jars of this tomorrow? I have a feeling I'm going to need a lot more." 

Calum (Her POV) 

"You have a baby in your belly," My six-year-old stepsister, Mia marveled then asked, "Is the baby a boy or a girl?" We sat criss-cross on her bedroom floor, playing with her dolls. She was at that age where she was curious about everything and asked many questions a day. "I'll find out in a few weeks. What do you think it's going to be?" I asked undoing the velcro of a pink sequin dress to change one of her dolls. "A girl," she said without hesitation. "And why is that? Don't you think there are too many girls already in this family?" I playfully teased. "So then I can share all my toys with her and we can play dolls." She giggled, rolling forward to lie on her stomach. "That's very nice of you, Mia." Chatting with her and being in her simplistic world was a nice form of escapism from reality. "What is the baby's name going to be?" She asked, continuing to ask her far future fetching questions. "I'm not sure yet. Calum and I haven't even begun to think of names. Maybe Mia, if it's a girl," I playfully teased again. "Mia? But that name is already taken," Calum grinned, leaning up against the door frame with his arms crossed. "That's my name," Mia giggled and I laughed, getting up to go to Calum. I put my arms around his lower back looking up at him, "Talking with Mia got me really excited about the baby. I can't wait to have similar conversations with our daughter." I smiled at the thought of it then Calum added, "or son." 

Luke (Her POV) 

I walked into the recording studio to pick up Luke so we can go to the baby's first ultrasound. It seemed like they were finishing up as they were standing around the control table, listening to the finished product. "Luke, sorry to interrupt but are you ready to go?" I said they all turned and looked my way. "Yeah, one sec, let me get my things," Luke said walking away from the control table. "Hey Sam," they each said, giving me a friendly wave. "Hi guys," I smiled back. "Where are you guys heading off to?" Calum asked. "My doctor's appointment," I said nonchalantly, starting to get anxious to leave. "Everything all right? I mean why is Luke going with you?" Ashton questioned and before I could answer Michael stepped in, dramatically saying, "You're not dying are you?" I laughed and shook my head. Luke came back with his belongings, ready to go. "What did I miss?" He asked, seeing me laughing. "It's quite opposite actually," I said, answering Michael then turning to Luke seeing that he caught on. He took a breath, "We're pregnant," He exclaimed then corrected, "well she is I'm not." The boys were quick to react, showing their enthusiasm loudly as they congratulated us then pulled me into a group hug, squeezing me tightly. "Ok, you guys can let go now," I said in their embrace, 'you'll crush the baby!" They cautiously stepped back and Ashton laughed, "I knew it as soon as Sam walked in."

Michael (His POV)

Charlotte and I walked up and down the aisles on one of our midnight Target runs as our house was tragically out of ice cream. Charlotte slowed the carriage when we came up to the baby section. "It's weird to think that we're going to be shopping for babies now," I said, looking at all the aisles filled with baby items. This was a section of the store I had always ignored and steered clear of but now, I'll be spending a lot of time shopping here in the upcoming months. I started to feel overwhelmed by everything a baby needs but for us, its doubled. "I know right... sometimes to me, it just feels like I've been sick for two months." She softly chuckled then nodded her head towards the section saying, "Do you want to give it look?" I slowly nodded, "sure," and she turned the carriage. We started going down the aisles, just looking at everything. "Where do we even begin?" Charlotte shrugged, "Anywhere I guess," then said, "but we don't have to figure it all out tonight, I mean we've got time." I stopped when we got to the onesies. Even though I knew very little about what babies need, I knew onesies seemed like something you couldn't go wrong with. "How about we start with onesies?" I gestured to them, all hung up in rows. "Perfect place to start," she grinned, excitement in her eyes. Together we picked out a neutral set of onesies, one for each baby, making it the first of many purchases for our babies. 

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