Week 38

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Ashton (her pov)

"Hey Prego!" I answered the door to my older brother Bryan. Even though we're seven years apart, making him 36, he still teases me to this day. The funny thing is that Alex used to be the one to tease me and Bryan was the "responsible" one who paid me not to tell our parents things. But now since he's not always gone partying and doing stupid teenager things, he thinks of now as a pay back to make up for all the times he missed. Don't worry he doesnt tease me too much. He is an adult after all. "Hey? I'm sorry did I tell you to come over?" I was in a bad mood because he woke me up from a nap. You never want to wake a nine month pregnant woman up. "Ashton did, he-" (Ashton's left for his family last night, who live two and a half hours away and should be back tonight.) "I'm not three and need you to watch me." I interrupted clearly not happy with this. Out of all people to ask, why Bryan? "But you have to admit I was the best babysitter." Hes so full of himself sometimes. "You and Alex tied my arms and legs together, put peanut butter on my face, and let the dog lick it off one time. Yeah, best babysitter ever. Remind me to never have my kid near you." I snapped. He laughed remembering it. I rolled my eyes turning around to walk away. Being nine months pregnant I'm not very fast so he quickly caught up to me. "I'm sorry Mandy! Don't be mad. Ill give you a break since your pregnant." he said and I sarcastically laughed, "Oh joy. Dont you have your own family to torture?" I stopped in the middle of the hallway putting my hands on my back. "Well my kids are being educated and Kate's out with some friends. Ashton wanted me to do make sure you were alright and make your meals/get you whatever you want. Then he wanted me to do some guy chores like mow the lawn. So I suggest you go put your feet up and let me take care of my baby sister." I smiled thinking of Ashton calling Bryan and asking him to take care of me. He's such a sweet guy and will make a great father. "Thanks Bry" I hugged him sideways because its impossible to hug him with my huge bump. He chuckled breaking apart then ruffling the top of my hair, "No problem, preggers. Just holler if you need anything."
Calum (his pov)

"Sorry dude, I cant. Rachel's getting towards the end. I'm just lucky she let me hang out again." I said to Luke. The four of us were hanging around Ashton's house. The guys were already making plans for next week. "Guys get off his back. I remember when Mandy was at her last stage of pregnancy and how important it was to be there for her." Ashton said. Hes kind of like the big brother I've never had. My gaze went back to his daughter playing on the floor in front of us. I've been looking at her in awe. Reality hit me that I'll have a daughter in a few weeks. I made a goofy face at her and she smiled. "Ashton can I ask you something?" I said suddenly with a hint of worry in my tone. "Yes anything Calpal." He nodded. "At the end of Mandys pregnancy was there a point the end when you were terrified?" I asked fidgeting with my hands. "Oh yeah. It's totally natural to feel terrified that means that you care. Its good that you're terrified. I remember when I held her for the first time and all my worries melted away. You'll be fine, I know it. Ive seen the way you treat dogs so it should be no different. Just relax. " He patted me on the back. I cover my face with my hands and rested my elbows on my knees. "I'm just so nervous! How am i supposed to relax!?" I raised my voice but not too much because I didnt want to scare his kid. "We can play a video game or something?" Suggested Michael. "Video games dont solve everything Mikey." He pouted then Luke said, "How about you go home to Rachel and cuddled or do what ever the hell you guys do. " they seemed like they were getting annoyed with my whining. I stood up, "You know what I will."

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