Chapter 2: Bus Ride

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"Everyone on the bus! Let's go!" The teacher shouted at everyone saying goodbye to their parents. I took a deep breath and waved at my parents.

My mom hadn't slept all night. She was in my room crying saying how much she would miss me and how empty the house would be. It was amusing in a way.

I made my way to the bus. And there was Mrs. Jenks with a bright yellow scarf around her neck. It was beginning to get chilly. "You will sit with your partner." She kept on telling everyone that jumped in the bus. What was this? The second grade?

I rolled my eyes and began to climb the bus. Everyone set their bags over the rail on the right side of the seat. I scanned the bus for Jeon Jungkook. I had been worrying all night about his show. Would he even show?

I found a seat at the back of the bus and began unloading my bags on the rail. I had looked online the weather in the mountains. It seemed to be pretty cold this coming weekend. I packed a few extra blankets and hoodies just in case.

The bus was packed and ready to go. And yet, there was no sign of Jungkook. I should have known this would happen. The doors of the bus closed, and the vehicle began to move.

"Stop!" Someone shouted. It was Mrs. Jenks. She was looking through the window just like everyone else. I looked out to the damp street. It was beginning to pour. Jungkook ran full speed with a black backpack on his shoulders. The bus driver opened the doors and let him in.

"Goodness, Mr. Jeon. That's why I said to be on time. Y/n is right over there."

He looked to my direction. I pretended not to notice him and placed my headphones on. He walked down the narrow hallway of the bus and reached our seat. I cuddled against the cold wall of the bus and kept looking out in the rain.

He placed his stuff on the rail and sat down next to me. A wave of his body heat compressed against my skin. His fresh smell invaded my nose. I turned to look at him. He was looking at me. No emotion; as usual.

Water dripped from his hair and slid down his face. I resisted the urge to reach into my bag and pull out a towel and let him have it.

"You should dry yourself. The bus is pretty cold and your soaking. Don't want to get sick, right?"

He looked at me like a lost puppy. Seriously, what was this guy? A loner? A thug? A depressed person? An emo? What?

Jungkook looked away from me and pulled out his phone. At least that was dry. Now that I realized, this guy was crazy rich. Everything he had was of an upper brand. I looked away and pretended not to notice. This was going to be a long ride.

I hadn't even felt myself falling asleep. When I woke up, it was sunset. What the heck? I sat up in my seat and peaked around.

Yeah, if you are in a high school trip, don't snoop around. Just, don't. I know what I'm telling you. Your eyes will suffer.

People swapped seats secretly to get to their boyfriend or girlfriend to make out. It was gross. I sat back down and rubbed my eyes.

"Didn't like the view, huh?"

Someone whispered in an amused voice. I glanced next to me and saw Jungkook wearing comfy clothes and his slippers.

"No. I didn't."

I answered with a shudder. He chuckled and grinned. Why was he being so talkative now?

"I figured."

He replied with a laughing tone. I wrinkled my nose at him. There was a twinkle in his eyes. A mischievous twinkle.

"A lot of things happened while you were asleep, princess."

"I'm not a princess."

"Whatever, toad. During lunch, some idiots decided to put some sleeping medicine on Mrs. Jenks food. And now, everyone is all over the place."

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