Chapter 14: Inside the Cave

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Jungkook and I made it to the cave. Thanks to his resistance, we could make it through the storm that was going crazy outside.

We scooted as far away as possible from the entrance of the cave. As we scooted farther away from the cave, it seemed to get darker and darker. Jungkook leaned against the wall of the cave and rested his head against it while closing his lids and breathing heavily. His chest moving up and down with each deep breath. Somehow, my eyes found this very attractive.

"What are you staring at with your mouth open like that?"

I swallowed startled and looked away from him. I knew he was looking at me now. Although it was cold, the cave suddenly became very warm. Or maybe it was just my face.

Jungkook leaned his face closer to mine. I turned to look and faced him. He raised his eyebrows and made a cute face at me.

"Were you staring perhaps at me? Huh toad?"

I held my breath. Even I could feel my ears turning super red. With Jungkook looking at me like that and the distance between us being too heart was being attacked.

Like the coward I was, there was only one thing to do in this situation. I quickly closed my eyes. If I couldn't see him, I couldn't suffer. I could hear his deep chuckle after.

"Yah," he had gotten even closer because his warm breath was now pressing against my face, "don't hide something as pretty as your eyes."

I hesitated over and over in my head. Should I open them? Should I not? Those sort of thoughts went through my head.

Finally, I brought myself to open them. Jungkook was even closer than before. His eyes smiled and he was grinning too. One of his hands raised to cup my cheek. His eyes moved from my eyes to my lips. And slowly, he leaned in and gave me a kiss. I quickly responded back. My urge to hold him was more than ever. I ran my fingers through his hair and pulled him closer to me.

We moved as if we were programmed. Everything smoothly. Jungkook slowly pressed me against the wall of the cave. His chest over mine. Jungkook moved his lips to my neck and softly began to kiss me. He found his way back to my mouth and gave me one last kiss before pulling a bit back and smiling at me.

"Are you still cold, toad?"

"I don't think so..."

"I think we should talk a bit."

He pulled back and sat crisscrossed in front of me. Jungkook's hands found mine and intersected his fingers with mine. I stared at him. There was a bit of worry in his face.

"Jungkook, is something wrong?"

"What happened at the cabin...I'm sorry."

Holy crap.

A lot of things happened at the cabin...

"I know Taehyung was your friend and he meant a big deal to you. Especially since he was there when I..."

Jungkook stopped at mid sentence and rose his head to look at me. There was regret in his eyes. His hold on my hands tightened a bit.

"When I was a dick."

He took a deep breath and straightened his back.

"Y/n, you have all the right to be mad at me. You have all the reasons to hate me. And I know that asking for forgiveness makes me look selfish and greedy, but I can't go on living with what I made you go through. I saved you from this winter, from Taehyung, but I couldn't save you from myself. So please, from the bottom of my heart, I ask for your forgiveness."

He bowed at me and brought both of my hands to his lips. A tear slipped out of my eye. Yes, he had been a really rude person. And he was correct. I did have every reason to be mad at him. But even though he had caused me so much pain, that pain didn't compare to the amazing feeling that he gave me every time he smiled and held me. There was no way on Earth that pain was stronger than the confidence I had earned because of him.

I smiled and leaned towards him and hugged him really tight. His face fell on the crook of my neck. Both of his arms wrapped around my waist.

"Jungkook, I forgive you because..."

There was only one answer. Only one answer that described my feelings for him. The answer that tied all my emotions and thoughts about him.

He pulled back and looked at me. I looked at him.

"I love you."

We both said simultaneously.

Higher Than Love - Jungkook x Reader (BTS Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now