Chapter 8: Crossed the Line

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We began to hike. I could feel my nose becoming numb and number as we walked. The air was way cooler up here than it was in the forest. The rest of the group was a little bit ahead of us. Jungkook didn't seem to mind. It's not like he liked people anyway.

As we walked, I would sometimes catch Jungkook staring at me. It made me frown but smile. Why was he acting so nice to me?

Our group stopped a bit for a lunch break. The sun couldn't be seen. Only a grey color stretched on the sky. Jungkook was nice enough to get us our food and reserved a spot for the both of us to eat.


He handed me my warm lunch and began on his. We ate in silence. Nothing new to us. There was so much I wanted to tell him, but I couldn't bring myself to say any of it.

Something cold fell over me. A coat of snow covered my lunch and me. The sharpness of the temperature piercing my skin.

Through my snow covered eyelashes, I saw Jungkook gasp and look at the direction where the snow had come from. His hands turned into fists and the corner of his nose scrunched. He placed his lunch aside and stood up from his seat. I watched him stroll to where another guy was standing staring at me with an apologetic nervous smile, but then he saw Jungkook and his smile faded.

"Hey man, I really- "

"You really what?"

"I didn't mean to- "

"To what?"

The other dude turned to look at me again and half smiled.

"I'm sorry."

"You should be, you asshole."

"Man, I'm sorry, I- "

Jungkook grabbed him by the collar of his neck and brought him extremely close to his face. He whispered something to him, but he was too quiet I couldn't hear. Then with a harsh shrug, he let go off him and turned around to look at me. I was freezing. Most of the snow had melted through my hair and some through my clothes. Jungkook kneeled before me and shrug off the remaining snow. I sat there frozen as he began to dust off the snow. The entire time, he didn't meet my eyes once. When he finished, he grabbed his lunch and handed it to me.

"Eat. I'll be back."

Before I could say anything else, he stood up and walked away. I looked down at the lunch and gasped. Why was he being so nice to me? If anything, a day ago I could have sworn he was the most selfish, ignorant, cold, spoiled, and most horrible person in the world. All the confusion made my appetite vanish, but I still forced myself to eat some of it since I knew how Jungkook was.

The rest of the day began to feel too cold so they led us away from the trail we would be continuing the following day. The school was nice enough to provide us with nice cabins that had to be shared with your project partner. Jungkook and I were in cabin 15. This one was one of the farthest ones from the other cabins. Why were we always isolated?

While we walked to the cabin, I decided to ask Jungkook something I was curious about.

"Did you pick the cabin?"


"Oh okay."

He stayed quiet and kept looking forward. Jungkook looked so serious it was almost scary to share a cabin with him.

"Oh, and thanks for sticking up for me...back there, but you didn't have to- "

"I didn't do it for you. I just can't stand people like that. They take everything as a joke, provoke a mess, and try to fix it all with a simple sorry."

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