Chapter 58

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First of all I want to apologise to the core of my heart to letting you wait guys. But trust me this is the most difficult chapter I've ever wrote till now. You won't believe but I have spend more than 8 days to write it.

And if you find any mistakes then let me know 😉

Hope you will forgive me. Now enjoy the update and don't forget to vote and comment.

Lots of love ♥




mily POV

Last night was really bliss for me. I never thought my life will be this much mysterious rebirth n all. I never believed in rebirth nor in miracles. But now I have to believe on it. I'm believing. Because I'm the part of it now. My respect towards Louis is increased after hearing what he did to protect me without giving a hint that I'm being protected by someone.

It was all pre-planned, our first meeting , our fight , his becoming my boss , his rude behaviour and making me feel special. At one point I doubted his intension , but that's unintentional. The way the things happened with me was obvious for me to doubt.

Now we are travelling back to the place where it all started. The castle of Cianna. It all started from there and badly ended not the complete end. The end is yet to start.

Before leaving I meet Anna. She was hell scared, she is really the best thing happened to me ever off course before Louis. She is only friend by name but we are sisters by heart. She always supported me in my ups and downs. No matter what she never left my side and that's why I always cared for her. She also wanted to come with me , it take to much efforts to make her understand the seriousness of situation. With sad face she agreed and engulfed me in a warm hug.

I'm also thankful of Nilsa. That girl is amazing. All the time I thought she is one of my friend not like Anna but ya good friend , she really amazed me she was protecting me from so many years and I don't even know about that. Well I felt like a dumbo when Louise told about Nilsa. How I never noticed her. She and Laurent already left for the castle as they said need to check something there.

Well Laurent is not the same who was with Alstrain and Reyna. He died a long ago. Chemola killed him. I really feel bad for him. His death was not easy for him, Chemola killed him in most cruel way. He deserved a happy life but can't get the easy death also, that churn my heart. He proved himself, he proved that he is worth to love, to trust. Life never stops to giving you surprise and the shocks. Well I get shocks more than surprise that's the another part. But the surprise I get in the form of Louise is the best I could ever ask.

Now my head is resting on Louis chest hearing the even rhythm of his heart. Feeling the care, love, trust and respect. His long slender rough fingers were moving through my locks giving the calmness and feeling of being protected. This is the best thing for me and maybe for him also. I can spend as much as time like this in his warm embrace.  This is the best thing to live. Thinking of the best moments of my life I dozed off in sleep in Louis arms dreaming of our future life.

When I wake up I was not in car but feeling warm like before. It looks like a hotel room. I turned my face to the left side only to found Louis who was staring at me with a smile and love.

“ What are you looking for? ”, I asked in completely sleepy tone. He pulled me more to him , his collagen hit my nostrils and sometimes churn in my stomach. I'm still unaware what is the exact feeling that I feel whenever we are close, it gives me some kind of pleasure which I cannot put in words.

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