Chapter 48

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Author POV

King Alstrain was walking here and there restlessly. He was in deep thoughts. After thinking a lot he called his son's. Four were there in mean time. Seeing there father in tension, Priamos finally asked.

" Father is everything ok. You looking stressed ",

" Secret sources has been received, the neighboring state Velaris  is planning to attack on us, Velaris is a wealthy nation like Cianna", Arthur informed them the reason of his worry.

" But Father Cianna is the strongest nation don't they know no one can win over us ", Nuallàn said.

" It's not like my son, they definitely know. But I'm thinking why so sudden. I mean we have no animosity towards them then why suddenly",

" Let attacked them, our army is not less. Of course, there is enough to cover them ", Tybalt said at that King chuckled.

" My son in politics you have to think with cool mind not with an aggressive one. Let's consider for a minute what you are saying we will do but let me ask you if the problem solved without losing anyone's blood, it will not be ok? ", with that Tybalt head down he has no answer on it.

Alstrain said who was standing there and only listening them

" Father I think instead of giving answer them with war I think we should talk to King David Valarie, maybe after talking he took his decision back ",

" I also agree with Alstrain. If things can work out without hurting anyone. It will be great ", Priamos said

King Arthur was looking at both of them proudly. Maybe he expected sanr thing from them.

" But Father if he want a war and we know he can never win over us then why should we refuse to war. We will give him tough fight ", Tybalt said

" Tybalt if in future you were selected as a King, will you still talk to like this? ",

" Yes Father and I don't think I'm wrong ",

" You are still immature, politics not work like this my child, just because your own benefit you cannot choose to throw someone's life in danger, I hope you will learn something from your brothers ", for the first time he felt dejected. He felt jealous with Alstrain and Priamos. In his eyes he was right but no he was wrong.

" I called you to learn about your opinion on this, now I know what will be our next step. I want to postpone this crown prince matter till we sort out the things. I hope you don't mind",

" Off course Father we don't ", Alstrain and Priamos said in union, they looked each other and smiled. But Tybalt don't liked the decision but he choose to be quite.

Nuallàn was only hearing his elders, he thought that he is too small to say anything in this matter. His father and brothers are enough for this matter, they'll handle it better.

" If in any way we failed to stop the war, then you will war against him as my son. Nuallàn you too ",King Arthur passed look to everyone

" Father I'm not prepared for that ", Nuallàn said

" Then start preparing ",

" Your performance in war will give you points which will be included in the competition of Crown Prince. Nuallàn I'm giving equal chance to four of you. You also have to participate. I hope you will not disappoint me ",

" Yes father ", four of them said in union.


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