Chapter 22

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The man holding Emely carefully as not to fall onto the ground was none other than charming soul Louis gets up taking care that Emely will not hurt but the sudden action makes Emely to fall in discomfort. It was Mrs. Smith who was there to inform something to Louis.

'' Yes, come in '', Louis spoke in order to making his coat and collar of the shirt neat.

As Louis allows Mrs. Smith she came in and at that moment Emely felt not to be add more ackwardness in this situation so she left with neck down and avoiding eye contact with Louis and also Mrs. Smith. Mrs. Smith looked at Emely with a questioned face she thought why Emely was walking like this but she don't know what happened before she came. Mrs. Smith came to reality when she heard Louis voice.

'' Yes Mrs. Smith what's bring you here '', Louis asked pulling his chair back to take a seat

'' Boss, Mr. Parker is here to see you, do you want me to send him right now '', Mrs. Smith asked politely

'' Sure, I've been also waiting for him '',

Mrs. Smith nodded and left. After some time Mr. Parker arrived with his mens and get inside to the Louis cabin.

'' Good Morning Mr. Jhonston '',

'' Oh good morning Mr. Parker I've been waiting for you '', Louis said with a shake hand

'' Did I wait you too long '',

'' No , not at all. please be seated '', Louis said pointing to chair

Near about an hour Louis meeting was going with Mr. Parker but here Emely was not well at all. She failed to through Louis thought from her mind, she was remembering it again and again it makes her lost in day dream. She tried so much she couldn't forget his golden brown eyes which was mesmerizing which took her all attention even she forgot about she was going to fall in a moment ago. Emely inhaled and exhaled for some time and started to speak herself

" Stop thinking about him Emely, he'll never belongs to you so just calm down and focused on your work if you want to survive coz only having money you'll survive not having his thoughts. But why I'm thinking about him, he is just my boss and should be",

" Are you alright Emely?", Asked by her female colleague Stala coz she was hearing that Emely was mumbling but she didn't get what exactly she was saying

Emely disturbed by Stala and immediately came to reality and pray that Stala didn't heard what she was saying " Ah, I.. I'm ok, it's just work pressure nothing else, thank you ", Emely said with a fake smile

Emely was busy to readying the list of architectures who will work for their new project which was from CASA company. She picked up a telephone which was ringing ,

" Came into cabin ",

Before Emely answer him he cut the call

Emely goes to Louis cabin but she didn't forget about the incident happened in the morning, she was trying to avoid an eye contact with him but Louis catch that Emely act differently

" What happened Mis. Emely? ", Louis asked closing the file

" Hu, nothing ", Emely lied

" Are you sure? ", He asked again

"Hm , what can happen. Nothing ",

" Ok if you are saying then I'll trust you, have you made a list of the architectures who is going to join CASA company's project ",

" Not yet, but I'm working on it ",

" Then don't forget to add a one more name ",

" Who's it boss? ",

Her Blue Eyes ( COMPLETED ✓ )Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant