Chapter 21

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Pete's POV

We got to bed and it was all sleeping and the occasional snores of Patrick. The next morning was kind of hectic. Patrick almost overslept and that also means that I almost overslept as well. "Come on remember we are going to school like it or not." He says. "I have never met a human that actually liked going to school." I said. He nodded and then I glanced over at the slug that was my very old dog Hemingway. I sighed and rubbed his head.

Patrick saw that and chewed on his bottom lip. I got back up and he looked at me sad. That made my heart break into a million peices. He was my second friend next to Patrick. We got to school and it seemed like he was the only one that I could think about. My heart was now actually hurting by the time lunch came around. Joe saw that something was wrong. "Hey Pete. You alright?" He asked looking at me concerned.

I nodded and took a deep breath and we sat down at the table with Andy and Patrick. "So are you liking that we are back in school and we are all here?" Andy asked giving me a smile. I nodded and smiled. "It is good that we are all back here and there is no drama." Joe said taking a bite of his food. I nodded and saw some people looking at us. But they weren't giving us bad looks they were giving us happy looks.

I smiled back at them and they turned back. "I got a question for you all." I said. They looked up and nodded. "What do you all think about me getting some of my hair dyed?" I asked. Patrick acted like he was going to choke on his food and Andy and Joe both looked at me stern. "Okay I know that he does not approve but what about you two?" I asked. " you can say something." Andy said going back to eating his food.

Joe turned to me and looked like he was trying to think of the right words to say. "I think it would look good but it depends on what color you want." He said. "I wouldn't mind red." I said wondering what I would look like with a red streak in my hair. He shrugged and said it would be okay. Patrick overreacted some more and Andy had to take care of him. "Would you calm down it is not like he is going to kill someone." He said.

After a bit of Patrick hypervenelating again and Andy getting him calm again I started to talk again. "I know this person at the hair salon that is really good and she is my cousin." I said. "You are going to let your cousin dye a red strip in your hair?" Andy asked. I nodded and smiled real big imagining the look on her face when I walk in there and say that I want a red strip in my hair. "And I am going to bring Patrick." I said.

"Don't make him flip out again." Andy said looking at Patrick. He sighed and shook his head. "Yes you are going to come with me and watch this hair get some red." I said smiling. He sighed and then nodded. I got happy and told him that we are going to go after school. "Can I come to because I really want to see this." Joe said. I nodded and said that someone might need to be there to keep Patrick calm.

"I can be calm but Pete come on you are getting a peice of your hair dyed!" He said making pointless gestures with his arms. I shook my head and said that I was going to get this even if it was going to kill him. He sighed and nodded. I think all three of them are going to come with me when this all happens. I got up and was putting all the random food bowls and spoons and forks that the school gives us that I didn't even use.

"So when are you going to head there?" Andy asked. "After school." I said now just standing there. It seemed like you could do just about everything you can imagine in that place. Some people were asleep and others were standing ontop of the tables ranting about whatever was on there mind to the people at the table. It was also awesome because there was no one to watch what we were doing. We could kill someone and they wouldn't know.

"I cannot believe that no one has told any of the teachers that we do all this stuff." I said. "Most of the people that would tell are usally in the library. " I said thinking of all the people that would have ran to the office and tell. They all nodded and we got up and left the cafeeria. I guess that we might want to go on and get our stuff for our next horrible class. Turns out that the day went really fast and here we are walking to the hair salon.

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