Chapter 32

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*That moment when you have a girlfriend oh my god*

~Time Lapse~

Patrick's POV

I was wondering what I did wrong but then I was thinking. What haven't I have done wrong. I mean come on this is me we are talking about. I am Patrick I am that person that makes everything such a big deal and basically am one of those waste of spaces. I have not thought like this for a while. Those bad thoughts have gone away and I have been better. It is one of those things where even if the whole world is on your side but you still hate yourself. It is one of those feelings.

I sighed and got up from the bed I was laying in and went to go and get some food and see if Pete was anywhere to be found. Turns out he was there but he wasn't that happy and how much you wanna bet it is because of me. I tried to smile at him but he wasn't going to back and it made me sad that he was not going to because of me. Man I am such a fucking idiot. I sighed and went on and got some food and went back up to my room.

What if this is it. What if this is the reason why he is getting so mad and ignoring me the reason is that I lock myself up in the room and only see him when he comes in and it is to sleep. It is like we never talk to each other any more. Maybe this was all my fault. Maybe me shutting him out is making him not want to talk to me him thinking that I would ignore him like I did before. I do think this is my fault and I am going to make this right.

I walked back in the room and saw that Pete was sitting on the couch watching some Doctor Who that I recorded knowing that he would watch it sooner or later. I sat on the couch with him and I swear in that moment he wanted to hurt me more than he has ever wanted to. I sighed and told him to let me explain myself and everything like that. "No Patrick there is not much to explain I mean it is kinda obvious now that you hate me." He said.

I swear if I haven't wanted to cry as hard as I did right then. I shook my head and said that he was lying and that I did not hate him. "Patrick there is not much else to say I mean what the hell do you want me to say is that I forgive you and we can go back to the way we were!? How you were always laying on my lap or somewhere of mine and we would spend hours on end watching all the shows that we recorded. If you asked me to do that well you idiot I would say yes." He said getting softer on me.

I could see the tears welling up in his eyes and his breath getting ragged and he just wanted to hide and I could tell and it was all my fault. I walked to him and he just stood his ground. "Go on and ignore me again I don't care anymore." He said with tears now running down his face. I sighed and tilted his chin so he could see me and I kissed him. Not caring if he was gonna jump back or what I just kissed him.

He sighed and got back and looked at me. "You are right I am the idiot." I said nodding. "Patrick you know I did not mean it like that I thought you hated me. Out of all the people that could have hated me you would be the one." He said. I sighed and told him I am sorry god knows how many times and then he told me to shut up and he kissed me quick again. "I am taking that as a I love you and you are one heck of an idiot kiss?" I asked quick.

He nodded and smiled. God he is one of the people that cannot be mad for too long or he will go mad or get sad or whatever he can do because he is Pete. I got a call and it said that we had some band practice in a few minutes. I mentally cursed and told Pete that we had to go on and get dressed and had to go. He groaned loudly and ran up to our room and got some random t shirt on and some jeans that have been worn one too many times.

We got to the studio and there was Joe and Andy talking about god knows what and then Andy went and showed him his arm and he had a TATTOO!? I walked over to him and grabbed his arm and was looking at the ink on his skin. "Calm down Patrick it is not like it is something bad and horrible. I was about to say something smart back and then someone came in. "Hey so your usual dude is not gonna be here today because he is sick so I am gonna fill in for him" The man said.

We all nodded and he said that he has heard a lot of good things out of us. I smiled at the thought of our boss gushing over us. Then I laughed because I didn't think he had enough of a soul to do that. A minute later we heard someone come in and sure enough it was the one person we did not want to hear or deal with right now. Brendon. I looked over at Pete and he looked tensed up when he saw him walk towards us. "I think you two have met now haven't you?" The man asked Brendon and us.

We all nodded and he smiled and said that we would get along quite nice then. If he says so. We walked around testing our instruments out and then we played a couple of lines from a song we...well I came up with. It was this one song that was a draft that I came up with. It is called Saturday. I do not know why I came up with using Saturday in most of the lines but I did. It was just an idea *I KNOW WHAT YOU PEOPLE WILL SAY AND DON'T EVEN GO THERE IF ITS ABOUT MCR* and just I decided to write the words down and the song was done the next morning.

I started to sing a little and Brendon was just sitting in the back on his phone. Probably texting Dallon that he was going to do something just to make us look bad and the last thing we need to do is look bad for someone that wasn't even our producer. We heard a door open and shut and it turned out to be Dallon. And then came Spencer and then Ryan and then Jon and just everyone that used to be assholes to us decided to come. I sighed and kept singing a little and then I got cut off.

"Patrick you are good at singing what the hell why didn't you do any of this when we were in school!?" Brendon said being amazed and standing up. Because maybe just maybe they were there and they were just there to mess things up and make fun of me and make my self esteem lower than it already. I sighed and turned around and then he asked me why I was ignoring him. I was wanting to say so much stuff in that moment but I bit my tongue and made it the rest of the day without Brendon and his little crew hurting any of us.

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