Chapter 17

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*I am starting now because goodness knows when I am going to come back and I am typing way faster on my phone. And it's gonna be like this for a bit. Just a warning.*

Pete's POV

"Did we do the right thing by forgiving him?" I asked Patrick. "Hey I warned him if he screws this up again he can forget about it." He said playing with the hem of his shirt. "I am just worried and I didn't mean to yell like that." I said sitting down next to him. "I know you didn't mean it and yeah maybe I was a little bit too harsh." He said. "Let's just not worry about this right now." I said. "Hey it was you that started this." He said smiling. I nodded and laied my head on his chest.

"Now we just need to calm down and just...chill here." He said. "Chill that is the best word that you can come up with?" He asked laughing a little. "Shut up. You know I am not the best at coming up with encouraging words." I said. "Just wait till you get older Patrick. You probably will." He said smiling. I nodded and he looked at the blank TV. "Wanna watch a movie?" He asked getting up. "Do you know what happened the last time you wanted to watch a movie?" I asked. "You couldn't trust Hemingway for a month." He said laughing.

I shook the thoughts when the dog came around. Man he was getting old. He was just a puppy when I saw Pete's drawing in Kindergarten. He was getting slower and just sleeps all the time. I know how devastated Pete is going to be when he dies. I really wanna tell him that he will eventually but I don't wanna do that to him. He sat on the couch with me. He likes me and Pete more than anyone. I feel good when I am around him because he has kept Pete feeling good all these years. Anyone that has kept him happy this long is good for me.

We decided to watch The Purge: Anarchy because it just came out on paper view and Pete wants to watch it. I have gotten over all the scary movie stuff because I know that all of that stuff is not real. "Now Patrick are you going to get all scared when someone pops up on the screen?" He asked. "Shut up I am not going to get scared." I said. "Okay then be that way." He said pressing the play button. All was going well until sure enough I didn't show Pete and I got scared.

He looked at me and I yelled for him to turn it off. He laughed and turned it off. "Shut up it is not funny." I said. "Yeah it is when you are trying to show me that you can be brave...and you can't." He said. I glared at him and he still laughed a bit. "Come on I am sorry." He said. I shrugged and accepted his apology. "Now what do you want to watch? I am not going to watch anymore scary movies for a while...promise." He said. "I don't know. I don't trust you with movies." I said. "That is why I said for you to choose." He said.

"Knowing me I will just grab one and it will be very cheesy." I said. "Okay okay I will choose a non scary one." He said walking over to the case. My phone buzzed and it was Joe. "'s the scary movie apparently night?" He asked. "How did you know that?" I asked. "Who do you think told me." He said. I looked at Pete and he was still looking through the DVD's. How long does it take for him to find a CD? Long apparently. "Yeah didn't go well. Long story." I said. "I got time." He said. So I told him the whole story again.

"You would Patrick." He said. "Shut up shouldn't you be looking after Andy so he wouldn't go total destruction mode on anyone or anything?" I asked. "No he is too busy sleeping." He said. "Well go and see if he didn't wake up and break stuff." I said. He didn't respond after. Guess he actually listened. That's a first.

Joe's POV

I actually left Patrick talking and I checked on Andy. He was stirring around and then he woke up. "Morning." I said even though it was kinda late. He smiled at me. "Is it really morning?" He said stretching a bit. "Nah." I said. "Really? I thought I actually slept for a while." He said. "Well ya didn't." I said. "Now what do you need. You were the one that came in here." He said. "Excuse me but you were the one that woke up." I said. He shook his head at me. He knows I am right.

"What time is it?" He asked rubbing his eyes. "I don't know but I know it isn't daytime yet cause its still dark." I said. "Smart Joe." He said getting up walking to his phone. Turns out it was just past midnight. "Should we go back to sleep or not?" I asked. "We got nothing to do today so no...unless we doze off...that is another story." I said. Turns out we didn't really make a good commitment to staying up late and we fell asleep.

Pete's POV

I woke up to see that Patrick was still asleep and curled up in a ball. I smiled at him and got up to see what I could make for breakfast. I saw that there was some sausage and some eggs. Looks like I am gonna go to Google for the answer. I searched it up and got something good. I sighed and I wanted to name this and the real name was something that I cannot pronounce. I named it "Let's Hope That This Does Not Burn And I Have To Put It Out " Because that it my thoughts.

I got done with it and it actually looked edible. I don't know how we had all the ingredients and how I could have made this but who cares it looks edible. I yelled for Patrick to get his ass in here before I feed his food to Hemingway. I got a groan for a response. "Come on even I woke up earlier than you and that rarely happens." I said. He got up and he looked at the plate of food. "Ooh you made food?" He asked. "Yeah I know it is shocking now eat up before I really do feed your food to Hemingway." I said. He nodded and ate all of it.

"This is really good. You should cook more often." He said. "Keep dreaming Trick." I said.

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