Chapter 8

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Pete's POV

We all headed somewhere to eat and we decided on Pizza Hut because it is pizza. "So what do you all want besides pizza?" My grandma asked. Patrick said that he just wanted pepperoni. I nodded so that meant that I agreed with him. "Come on Pete you cannot be mad at me for something little as that?" Patrick said. I didn't want to say that I forgave him but I do. "Just do not talk to me." I said not meaning for it to come out as harsh as I said it. God he must hate me.

He looked down and my grandma said that she was going to get some breadsticks because she knows that we are not going to wait for pizza. We both nodded and she ordered for both of us. "Pete please forgive me! I did not know that it was going to affect you that harshly! I really didn't know!" Patrick said. I really just want to tell him to shut up and kiss him but I do not. I know I make no sense but I do.

"Patrick...I know you are sorry." My grandma said. I shook my head and was just sitting there wishing I could die in a hole at the moment. I know that is kind of harsh but I was so mean to him. I couldn't blame him if he didn't want to be with me. "Patrick...can I say something?" I asked him. Now I am going to say something. He has said enough by the way. He looked up and nodded. "Okay so I am sorry for snapping at you then. I am also sorry for snapping at you now. You just don't know how much he meannt to me." I said.

"Oh I know how you feel. Do you even wonder where mine are?" He said. "Are they both dead?!" I asked him. He nodded and gave me a mean glare. Oh god. I screwed up this time. "Pete I get how you feel believe it or not." He said messing with his straw paper. I sighed and slouched in my seat. My grandma said that she was just going to let us stay here. She handed me the card and walked off. Out of all the things in the world she could have trusted me with this is the worst. We got some more food and Patrick wasn't that hungry.

I told him to eat some food or I was going to get the pizza and shove it down his throat. Wow that came out so wrong. He was laughing and I told him to shut up. "Leave it to you to say that." He said laughing harder. I kicked his shin. "Hey now I did not say you could kick me." He said. I shrugged and kicked him even harder. He whined and then we heard the door slam and heard someone say that they wanted to sit where the nerds are.

I got a bad feeling that he should shut his mouth.

Patrick's POV

The waitress was arguing with the guy and then I finally decided to look behind me to see Brendon arguing with her. "Oh so the fatty and the emo are just getting some pizza together." He said in a mocking tone. "Shut the fuck up Brendon." Pete yelled. All heads turned to us. Well I guess that people either know Brendon and cannot believe that he went there or he just said a cuss word and everyone heard it.

Both make sense.

"So what are you going to do about me? How can you and that one make me hush?" He said gesturing to me. I got up and tried to walk off and Pete said for me to stay. "Oh the little emo is going to make his dumb boyfriend stay?" He said laughing. That was it. I walked to him and punched him as hard as I could in the nose. "You little fucker come here." He said grabbing me by the back of my shirt.

"Brendon I swear to god if you hurt him," Pete said. I have never seen him like this before. "What are you going to do?" He asked laughing and about to hit me. Well there is my dinner if he does punch me in the stomach which looks like he is going to. He punched me in the stomach of course so when he let me go I was down on the floor puking up everything I just ate.

Well this is lovely.

"Good job you bastard you made him puke all over the floor." Pete yelled at him. They were going at it while I ran to the restroom to finish it off. "You know that he is ugly right?" He said smirking. "He is better looking than you will ever be." I heard Pete say. Now stuff is about to go down.I heard Brendon yell and then I heard Pete yell and it is kind of breaking me that I am sitting here on a cold restroom floor hearing that happen.

I walked out and ran out to go and tell his grandma. She got out and looked at the window and cringed. "When it is over can you get him? Something is telling me that this is not going to be over anytime soon and we might need to go to the hospital." She said. I nodded and looked in the window.

It feels like Kindergarten all over again.

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