Chapter 18

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Pete's POV

"Someone liked the food...right? You better not be faking it." I said. He nodded smiling big. "Pete...I gotta say something..." He said. I don't like where this is going one bit. "We have gotta go back to school." He said. "NO." I said. "We need to. They are gonna come and find us some time and neither you and I want that." He said. "What about..." I said gesturing. "Oh don't worry...they got sent to that reform school." He said. "Oh yeah that will make everything better..." I said. "Come on Pete don't be like this." I said. He huffed and finally agreed so this was settled...we would go back on Monday...great.


I told Joe and Andy and they said that they weren't gonna let us go in there alone. They said that they moved our classes around. And just our luck we are all in the same classes. We must be taking then place of Brendon and his idiotic friends. "Josh...can you show them around?" A lady at the front desk asked. He nodded and got up. "Okay let's get this started by everyone and anyone knows you here. You know you got your cool Asians, the jocks, the greatest people you'll ever meet, and the worse...the plastics." He said making spooky gestures. "This is basically Mean Girls in a nutshell." Andy said.

"So what is your name again?" I asked him. "Josh. Josh Dun." He said smiling. I smiled wide and Andy butted in. "Come on we gotta go!" He said. "Come on let's leave them." Joe said grabbing Andy's hand and walking off. "So what are we gonna do now?" Patrick asked gripping his books. "Let's go to class." I said loosening up a bit. When we walked in there we saw that people looked at us. Andy and Joe were sitting in the back not wanting to talk to anyone. I couldn't blame them they just went away and nothing happened to them.

I sat back there and the teacher walked in and just my luck he was my teacher before I left. "Well well well...Mr. decided to come back?" He asked. I nodded and gave him my paper. He shook his head and he said that we needed to write a paper on what we have done so far this year and what we wanted to do in the future. That was going to be easy. I can play the bass so I want to be in a band. Don't know who would take me in their band.

Patrick was over their writing his hands off while Andy was drawing and Joe was spacing out. I decided to write a bit. I said that I wanted to be a bassist for a band but I don't know what band. I said that a lot of stuff has happened this year. You can't cuss on a paper so I just said how big of a jerk he is. Everyone would know I meant bitch. I turned it in and I heard my teacher laugh a bit.

"What is wrong with my paper? I didn't cross one of my "t's" or something stupid like that?" I asked him. He shook his head and he said that he knows what I mean when I said jerk. "I think that a lot of people." I said walking back off. He didn't say that the work was bad so I guess it was good. I smiled and looked over at Patrick. He was bored and messing around with Andy and Joe. "You bored or something?" I asked Patrick who was throwing stuff at Joe. "We are playing 'Who can throw more things in Joe's hair and it'd stay.'" He said. I laughed at Joe trying to get out goodness knows what they got in his hair.

The bell rang and it was time to go to second block which is freaking math. No one likes math I think. The teacher sat there was glaring at all of us. I don't know what his problem is but I got a good guess and that is that I am back. "I thought I heard some slackers here." He said getting up. Patrick sunk down in his seat like he wanted to hide from the world.

"Yeah I am here!" I yelled leaning back in the seat. "What made you possibly want to show your face back here Mr. Wentz?" He asked. "Well I guess that we just wanted to come back here after all the drama simmered down." I said. "I don't know why you did come back here. It makes no sense because you know that you are going to drop out again with your friends." He said gesturing back at them. "You know what?" I said getting up. "Oh no." I heard Patrick say.

"I am not going to listen to you talk shit about me and my friends. They can disappear again if they want but I am not because I want to show your ass that I can make it the rest of the year. And if I don't come I will have a damn good reason." I said taking a breather because wow I just did that all. I heard a bunch of oos. I know what is going to be going around on Facebook tonight. "Are you done with your little rant now?" He asked. "That wasn't little." Joe said.

I nodded and sat down. Patrick was trying not to laugh. "Okay now since that is over..." The teacher said. "We are going to..." And this is where I tune him out. I was drawing random things on my paper. "Just to make sure that you all were paying attention I am going to give you all a worksheet." He said. "Really a worksheet I swear if he is like this all the time my reason for me going out of school again is that he was a dick." I said. Joe and Andy nodded and Patrick eventually agreed with me.

This is going to be an interesting year.

*Yes I finally got the computer back so the updates are going to be quicker and less rushed so if this chapter is horrible I am sorry I was having horrid writers block it was unreal so sorry if this chapter sucks*

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