Chapter 1

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Pete's POV

I was still thinking about what all has happened today. I want to see Patrick again. When I looked at my mom she screamed and looked at my nose. "Pete who in the world did this to you?" She asked. I flinched when she touched my nose and I told her all what happened. "That is a good way to make a new friend." She said picking me up. "Come on we are going to go to the hospital." She said.

I hate those places they are like a bigger doctors offices. And I hate the doctors. I got in the backseat with my stomach hurting. "Mom my tummy hurts." I groaned. "Maybe it is because of the blood." She said pulling out her phone. "I am gonna call dad, okay?" She asked. I nodded and I heard her saying a ton of things but none of them had to do with me and us going to the hospital. "Alright but we are going to take him to the hospital we will be in the waiting room." She said.

She got the phone away from her and tossed it in the seat beside of her. "You are going to be okay you know that right?" She asked. I nodded and rubbed my nose. That was something that I didn't need to do. It was bleeding again. My mom looked back and she stepped on the gas. No cops came and pulled her over thank goodness. We got to the hospital and my dad was sitting in his car with his phone.

We went on and walked in and my mom was filling out my full name. How in the world are they going to fit "Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz" on anything?! I was watching her and my dad came in and he sat beside of me and was looking at my nose. "Who did this to you." He said. "We will talk about that later." My mom said. My dad's name was Pete as well. She calls me "Pete" and my dad "Peter." I get confused sometimes.

"Peter we are going to talk about that later." My mom said before he opened his mouth again. They called us back and my palms were sweating and I was shaking with blood pouring down my face. The nurse saw me and gasped at me. "Oh my what in the world happened?" She asked. "He took a hard fall to the sidewalk." My mom said. She was looking at it and she said that I broke it bad.

I was worried and she said that I had to stay overnight. I went home on the bus, the nurse looked at me, and I walked with Patrick back to class and I have to stay overnight. I nodded and got into my outfit. I laied down and my mom said that she was going to stay here with me. I honesty wasn't going to argue with her. This place was scary. "What about Patrick!?" I said. "Tomorrow is Saturday Pete you are going to see him in two days." Dad said.

"I want to go home." I said getting sleepy.

Patrick's POV

Pete was hurt bad. I have no idea why they didn't call his mom. I walked with him back to our room and we left. I did not want to leave Pete but what choice do I have. I walked to my car and my mom was smiling at me. What has she done. I got in the car and she was smiling at me too big to be good. "Oh Patrick you know what happened?" She asked me. I shook my head and she took a deep breath.

"You are going to move schools again!" She said. My heart dropped. Why was she moving me again?! All of my friends were there including Pete and we are friends. "NO!" I yelled. "And why not." She said stern. I know that I messed up when I tell my mom no. No one needs to tell her that or bad things will happen. I know I am just in like the first grade but she is going to get me now.

"Mom no I am not going to move I made a new friend there today and he said that he wanted to be my friend!" I said about to cry. "Hush now we are going to move and that is final!" She yelled. I just wanted to get out of the car and go home with Pete on his bus.

I got home and my mom got me by my backpack and was dragging me in. She called for my dad and he was talking to her and she said that I told her no. Was it really that bad? They have told me that if I do not think something is right I can say no. I did and look where it has got me. In trouble with my mom.

Not my dad though he is supportive and he said that I did have friends there and when I moved it is going to be starting all over again. I was wondering about Pete some more and she said that I actually made a friend and it wasn't because of them. Wait. Joe and Andy were because of my mom and dad?

They said that they were going to be my friends and all of our parents weren't even around. Was that really how they were my friends or are they just making all of this up. I was now crying and ran to my room. I don't wanna move schools. I do not want to move schools. I am going to move schools. Dinner was ready and I didn't want to eat and my mom was going on about that I was thinking of some boys too much that she thought I was gay.

What did that even mean? I have no idea what gay means. I asked them what it meant and they said that it is when two men or women love eachother. I bet you know who explained that one. We got done with dinner and I headed back to my room to hide from my mom. My dad was okay but she was yelling and mad. It was finally time for bed and my dad came to say good night. "I am sorry about what mom did." He said.

I shrugged and he turned off my light and of course I couldn't sleep. Another reason for my mom to say somethings. "Now you did not need to do that to our own son what if he is gay so what we will love him like we always have!" My dad yelled. Then my mom was saying some mean words and then I heard a door slam. I was crying now and I went to sleep crying my eyes out.

Pete's POV

I woke up and I had something funny on my nose and it was itching. I tried to scratch it and my mom said that I didn't need to scratch it. That is something that I want to do though. I was picking at it and she said that I was going to make it bleed again which made me stop.

I don't have school today but this is not how I want to spend it. I wanted the TV on and then it wouldn't turn on. So I couldn't watch anything and I am stuck here. A man in a white coat came in and he said that I can go home today. Maybe today got a little better. My mom said that she was going to take me somewhere to eat and I just said Chick Fil A because I like saying it.

When I nodded to what she said the man took some things out of my arms and he said that I could go. I walked out with her and we got to the Chick Fil A and there was Patrick sitting at a booth with his dad. They seemed pretty happy and I told my mom that he was the one that walked me to the office. She smiled and nodded. "Well go on and say hi to him Pete." She said. I walked to him.

*Alright I am going to get a cover tomorrow because I have sliced my finger and something is wrong wtih my eyes so I am gonna go I am not going to promise on the cover but I will try. Bye!*

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