Chapter 14

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*Stupid rain*

Pete's POV

I told Patrick that I was gonna be stronger and he nodded and hugged me. "I am glad you are not going to let those assholes make you feel like that." He said. I nodded and accepted his good hugs. He gives good ones. I spaced out and then when I came back Patrick was trying to get out of the hug. "For once you don't wanna hug." I said laughing. He nodded and got back from me. "You better be lucky I love you Patrick." I said. "I am very lucky." He said. "You cheesy price of shit." I said. He nodded and kept on eating.

"You know that school is going to take some notice." I said. "What kind of notice?" He asked. "That we are gone." I said. "Don't worry they are not gonna get us so they should just let us be." He said. I nodded and we heard a knock. I told Patrick to answer it and it turned out to be Andy and Joe. "What are you two doing here shouldn't you two be in school?" I asked. "I don't know shouldn't you two be at school to?" Andy asked. Patrick let them in because he knew that I had nothing to top that.

"They are not going to catch us and break is getting close so they probably think that we are going on a vacation or something." Joe said. We nodded and we all sat around thinking of what we should do. "We should go to the mall because they have good food in the food court." Patrick said. "And we don't?" I asked. "We don't have a Chick Fil A now do we!?" He said. I shook my head and Andy said that we should go before a crowd gets there. We nodded and Patrick and I got some decent clothes on. "Come on you lazy butts you are wasting my time." Joe yelled.

We got down there and Patrick tripped him on the way out. "Now that was mean Patrick even if it was Joe." I said. He shrugged and was walking to the mall. Once we got there Andy rushed us a bit too late because there was a crowd there. "Great now we have got to deal with this?" Patrick asked. I nodded and we went around a bunch of people that looked our age and then we ran off somewhere.

"Okay so now where do we want to go and the food court is out of the discussion at the moment." Andy asked. We all looked around and then we decided that we were going to go to about every store. We walked by someone that looked like he had black eyes. "Dude what happened to you?" I asked. He turned around and he said that nothing happened to him he is just wearing some eye liner. "Isn't that what girls wear?" Joe asked looking weird at him. He shook his head and said that some guys wear it.

"It's called guyliner in the guy perspectives but I do not think that any of you look emo enough to wear it." He said. "Oh please I can almost rock anything where can you buy that stuff?" I asked. He said that he got his at Macy's. We all groaned in annoyance. We got there and I went into the pile of womans stuff and pulled out a thing of black eyeliner. "Pete are you sure that you want to do this?" Andy asked. "Shut up I am going to be emo." I said getting some money out. "Are you sure that this is for you?" The lady asked.

"Unfortunately." Patrick said. "Yeah this is for me I am going to be emo." I said. I haven't totally grasped the term of emo so who knows it may make me look like a racoon. "Okay then have fun being emo." She said waving us off. I nodded and we walked off. "You are going to put that shit on when we get home." Patrick said. "Oh so I can put on a shirt I got from Hot Topic when we get out of the store but I can't put this on till we get home?" I asked.

He nodded and said that we needed to get something because we are wasting our time listening to me rambling about this. I shook my head at him and we were lost. We haven't been here a whole lot but yeah I can remember that I can put on a Metallica shirt on anytime I want. "Come on I am hungry and we should go and get something to eat." Joe said getting bored already. We nodded and got some food. None of this was going to fit Andy's vegan side so he was just going to have to suffer.

"None of this stuff is vegan I don't know why I agreed to going to the food court." He said annoyed. "Come on Andy do not ruin this for us because you are a vegan." I said stuffing my face with some chicken. He said that he wouldn't but he was going to look around. We all nodded and there went Andy the vegan that can never be satisfied.

Andy's POV

I wonder what else they have around here. I ran across this place and they said that they give tattoos. I looked in and there were many things that I could more than likely break. "Hey aren't you a little young to be looking in here?" The dude asked. I shook my head and just said I was looking. "Well hurry up I cannot have someone scrawny like you in here ruing the buisness" He said.

He was chewing on a toothpick. I was going to change that. I walked to him and yanked it out of his mouth. "Hey ya twerp what was that for?" He asked. Oh god he has this New Jersey accent. "I don't know why are you in such a bitchy mood today?" I asked getting tired of him already. "I am in such a bad mood because you showed up and was going to ruin my business!" He yelled. "You have no one in here is that what you call a buisness?" I asked air quoting the word business.

"Oh you are getting on my one nerve buddy and that is not good." He said. "Oh and you are not getting on mine?" I asked back. Someone is going to get hurt and I hope that it is not going to be me. "Hey Andy! What the hell are you doing arguing with this dude?" I heard someone yell. Turns out it was Joe coming here to ruin this moment of me arguing with a grown up. And I was winning in the screaming match. "I was arguing with him until you came around Joe and I was winning!" I said.

"Bet you were now come on Pete and Patrick are waiting for us." He said dragging me off and I gave him a mean look on the way out. "What took you so long?" Pete asked. "Someone got into it with a guy at that tattoo place." He said letting me go. I wanted to run back and attack him but one of them would run after me and drag me away again. I walked out first and I was not going to run back. I cannot belive that I almost got kicked out of the mall because of some guy.

Oh I will show him one day that I will not ruin someone's buisness with the tattoos that I am going to get.

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