Chapter 31

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Pete's POV
I woke up the next morning with my everything hurting. I sat up and was trying to wake up but ended up laying back down with a headache. Wait. I went to a party last night and I got drunk. I got drunk. I sighed and got up and was going to go and look for Patrick and see how we got home and if he had to wrestle me to the ground and drag me out of there. I saw him sleeping on the couch and had a worried feeling settle in my stomach. Why was he sleeping on the couch?

I got to him and he looked like he had been crying a little bit. Now he just looks so peaceful. I smiled and walked back to make some breakfast just to surprise him or something. I was humming along to a song I had stuck in my head and the next minute I heard a yell. My head shot up and there was Patrick standing there looking at me like he could kill me. I looked at him weird and asked him what was wrong. Don't act like you don't know you little bitch!" He yelled at me.

Now that stung I mean he has never called anyone any kind of curse word especially me. I sighed and walked to him and he stepped back and walked off. Was I really that gross? I looked down at the floor thinking that this was not going to happen and he was just in a bad mood and he did not hate me. I kept on cooking while feeling his eyes stare a hole right through me. I sighed and got done with my food and he was still staring at me. I offered him some but all he did was be rude.

I sat down was poking at my food thinking about what I could have done. Please tell me I didn't do anything while I was drunk. I sighed and looked up and he was fiddling with a loose end of his shirt. I got up and walked to him. It looked like he would love to walk up to me and slap me. More than likely I would let him do just that. If I knew what I did. My head was flowing with all the thoughts and things I could have done while I was drunk.

Did I rape him or something because yeah that would be something a bitch would have done. I asked him what was wrong and he ignored me again. "Look you do not have to talk to me ever again if you don't want to just tell me what I did so I can fix it or do something." I said. "Don't act like you don't know." He spat at me. His voice was stone cold and harsh just like knives stabbing at me. I sighed and walked back and left him alone. I might not know. I might not ever know.

I sighed and got done with my food and walked back upstairs. I let the sheets consume me again as I thought of the many things I could have done to I'm last night. As I kept thinking my mind was running away with me again and I was now laying in bed crying and wondering what I have done to make him mad at me. The only person that fully accepted me and loved me for who I was now hates me. This hurts. Real bad.

Patrick's POV

I sighed and got up and was walking to the food Pete left. I sighed again while I was thinking of him. He was drunk when he tried to have sex with me. I know it is fucked up that I am pissed at him and he doesn't even know what he did. I fixed the food and walked up stairs to apologize. Before I even knocked on the door I already knew this was going to be bad. I could hear him crying all the way out here. What the hell have I done. I opened the door and he was covered up in blankets and was sobbing loud.

I sat on the bed and I guess he felt the weight down on the bed and he tensed up. "Pete..." I was saying. "No go away you hate me I hate me!" He yelled and my heart sunk at his words. He was still under the covers but I have got a good bet on how bad he looks. Bloodshot red eyes, tear stained cheeks, his nose is probably running and it is all because of me. I sighed and rubbed his back and he tensed up. I sighed and just watched him lay there.

I guess he was just trying to figure out what to do because I touched him. "Patrick you hate me why are you in here trying to love on me I'm such an idiot." He said. And his voice is cracking. I sighed and told him that I did not hate him. Yeah sure you don't to the person who called me an asshole!" He yelled shooting up and this was my first glance at him. Truly broken. His face was stained with tears and his shirt was soaked and so was the bed. He is probably hurting all over.

I sighed and rubbed his back and he was saying that I hated him and he hates himself. I was watching him just become an absolute train wreck. He looked over and then broke down and cried into my shirt. I rubbed his back and he was calming down. He got back and he asked if he loved me. I nodded and he looked away. He doesn't believe it does he. This was going to be long but we are gonna do this. I am gonna make him know that I love him even if it means going out the way to make him happy. No matter what it takes.

*Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter!*

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