Chapter 13

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*Guess who's baaccck?*

Patrick's POV

I was going to ignore Pete at the moment because it isn't that far and this city isn't that big. Pete said that he wanted to go and get Joe and Andy because they would be good to come with us too. I nodded and we went to their houses. "The things that you two are geting us into." Joe said shaking his head. "Well this one was Patrick's idea." Pete said. I rolled my eyes at him and Andy was wondering why we were taking them with us. "Well ask Pete that one he is the one that wanted to bring you two." I said.

"Now I am not even going to ask." Joe said. I nodded and then we got to the station and we were kinda short so Joe spoke for us because he was actually kinda taller. "She isn't here kids." The man said. "Hey we are not kids by the way." Pete said. "None of you could reach this podium." He said. "Well cause it is freaking huge!" Pete said jumping. "Pete why are you here?" I heard somone ask. We all looked at the person and it was his grandma. "Well that was a bullshit story." Joe said.

"We wre wondering where you were!" Pete said. "Pete please go." She said. I was kinda wondering why she wanted us to leave. "Why?" He asked. "Pete...I am just here now please go." She said. "Why? I still don't get why you want me leave." Pete said getting mad. "Pete it is not because of you I promise." She said. "Then tell me why you are here." He said stern. "Pete do you remember when I told you to never be rude to people." She asked. He nodded and got worried. "I didn't listen to myself Petey." She said.

"So you are going to jail?" He asked his voice cracking. She nodded and kissed his hand. "Never forget me Pete...please." She said tears welling up in her eyes. He nodded and hugged her for one last time. "I love you." He whispered faintly. She nodded and let him go and he landed in my arms bawling. She looked away and walked off with the cop. "She is gone Trick." He said into my shirt. I noded and rubbed his back. "I am sorry kid but there is nothing we can do she broke the law." He said.

"You people make me fucking sick acting like that," Pete said walking out. I followed behind him and something tells me that the sadness was gone and the anger is rolling over him. "Um..." Joe said. I told them that they can go and they ran off. Pete and I walked home and we ran up on Brendon. "Hey assholes." He said. "Not now bitch." Pete said walking along. "Did that little asshole just call me." He said. "Yeah I just called you a bitch now shut the fuck up and leave me alone." He yelled and just ignored all that he said.

Pete's POV

I don't know how to react to this I would have never thought that she could get into something like that much less break the freaking law! Patrick was concerned but at the moment I didn't want him or no one. I just wanted to be alone. I walked in my room and apparently Patrick got the hint and didn't follow me. This was going to be a rough night. I am sure of it. I was sitting on my bed thinking of things. Why would she be in jail. She is such a nice person.

I walked back downstairs and saw that Patrick was asleep. I left him there to sleep and was going to let him be. He looked so peaceful though. I walked back up to my room and turned off the lights and fell asleep while listening to god knows what band.


I woke up and ran downstairs and saw that Patrick was still asleep. "Get up Trick it is the morning now." I said shaking him. "Please can I sleep some more?" He asked looking sad that I woke him up. "No Patrick it is nine in the morning." I said walking off. He got up and looked at me. "Are you still in a bad mood?" He asked not afraid to say that I was last night. I shook my head and he smiled hugging me.

I had to hug him back because he gives amazing hugs you have got to admit. "Come on get something to eat I am not going to make you something later if you do not eat now." I said. He nodded and walked to go and get some plates. "How are we going to live this way?" I asked him. "I don't know we are doing pretty good at the moment don't you think?" He asked. "Well yeah but what if someone is going to come and find us here not going to school?" I said kinda worrying at the moment.

"Don't they have your houses number?" He asked. I nodded and he said that they will go to my old house and he is more than sure that they will not believe who ever would come knocking at that door. I laughed at what he was trying to say. I could imagine one of them just kicking them out of the house and then them not even caring about me. That is normal in that house apparently. Patrick said he had less to worry about than school at the moment. "What are you worrying about then?" I asked.

"Nothing I am not worrying about Brendon. Nor Dallon." He said waving his spoon in the air. "What about Ryan and Spencer?" I asked. "Them too they are not worth my mind going crazy about it," He said eating some cereal that he found. I nodded and for once I am going to listen to him good so this is going to be a hard thing but as of now. Brendon Urie, Dallon Weekes, Spencer Smith, and Ryan Ross are not going to make me feel like a peice of shit.

*Okay so I know this is not worth me coming back but school is kind of a struggle and the computer is being a bitch but I had a pep rally today and I hate them but I had to be there so sorry if this is not good. Bye.*

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