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I'm so sorry that it took forever for me to update. My co-writer, Fatheha, wrote this chapter weeks ago but with extra curriculars, assignments and exams, I never had the time to edit. I apologize from the bottom of my heart for depriving you, my wonderful readers, of your weekly update. Without futher's the chapter!

P.S. We are thinking of updating every Sunday. Does that sound good? It's more convenient and it gives you guys the whole weekend to read the chapter before the next update. Leave your opinions below about this change.

~Mei's POV~

Shortly after my lunch with Yamato, I made my way back to the hotel room. The lunch was nice and it was enlightening. I felt happier like a blank canvas permenantly splashed with radiant colours. No feeling of despair had the ability to wash away those colours.

I didn't know what it really was but something inside of me shifted. I was no longer locked up in that atramentous chamber I hid behind for so long. Something--no, someone--unlocked the chamber, allowing light to shine upon dusk.

I laid on my comfy bed, staring at the ceiling while recounting today's events. Something inside of me has changed, definitely because what once looked like a plain ceiling through my eyes became the tranquil sky. My bed was like the moist grass on a dewy morning day. I was watching the clouds moving ever so slightly across the delicate sky.

This might have all seemed quite poetic if I wasn't referring to the bedroom ceiling and my covers.

I just laid there, smiling like an idiot for a good few minutes before the buzzing of my phone removed me from my trance.

Have I eaten too many mushrooms? Do fungi spores have a similar effect as marijuana? Surely it must be the mushrooms talking!

It didn't take long for me to acknowledge the continual buzzing of my phone, snapping me out of my inner conflict. I quickly checked the caller ID.

"Hello, Yamato-kun?" I quickly mumbled, trying to fix my hair before I realized that this was a phone call and that Yamato couldn't actually see me.

"Um hey. I was uh, wondering if you can come with me to the mall tomorrow? At two in the afternoon?" Yamato stuttered. For some reason, I could imagine him scratching the back of his neck on the other side of the phone with an apprehensive smile.

"I was just asking. You don't have to if you don't want to. It's fine, I swear! I wanted to buy a new jacket and I wanted some company. Like I would've asked my other friends but they're busy. Not that you're bad company, I was just asking because I thought you, being a girl and all, would have good taste. I'm not being sexist at all! I've just noticed that and--wait no! That came out wrong. I don't stare at you! I'm sorry!" Yamato rambled on.

"Calm down." I said, giggling. "I'll go with you. Why are you apologizing? I may be dorky and all but I can inner girly girl. Obviously I'm fine with going to the mall. I don't mind at all."

"Really? Thanks! I-I'll pick you up then, meet me at your lobby at two! See you tomorrow." Yamato laughed with a breath of relief. He really was a strange individual.

Without realizing it, I had just signed up for a night of worrying about what to wear! I was in a conflict between inner girly girl and my more dominant, academic side. But eventually, I let my girly girl side take over.

I'm in the mood for dressing up. Or is that too formal? I opened my luggage and tried to find something nice to wear.

A white floral lace dress with a gold belt? Nah. It shows too much skin. I need to be modest but also flirty, I'm not dressing up for a club!

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