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I woke up in a dark, putrid smelling room with my wrists and ankles, stinging. I looked down...wait...ropes? I was tied by ropes? I tried wiggling out of the ropes but man, whoever tied me up actually tied a proper knot! A dirty white cloth was also stuffed in my mouth, preventing me from being able to scream for help. I could taste the dirt and...something else on the cloth as it mixes in with my saliva. Ew...was that vinegar? I couldn't swallow it nor could I spit it out.

My hair covered my face, preventing me from being able to see well. It also made my face itchy but I couldn't scratch myself since um...well I was tied up. My face is so numb that i can't even feel the tears stream down my face. I've never been in such an uncomfortable state...wait... Where am I anyways?

"So you're awake?" A deep, raspy voice standing on my right, said in Japanese while mixing in some English. It's that guy from earlier. His face is covered by the ski mask he has on. All I can really see are his purplish tinted chapped lips (from a fight...or the cold?), his wrinkly eyelids and dark green eyes with specks of orange. I could also make out his figure-average height with a hunchback-sitting on a chair. He began to walk towards me as I tried to kick his chair, trying to stop him.

"I thought I would have to break a few fingers to wake you up." He chuckles as he touches my fingers with his rough hands. I jerked my head away, trying to move my hands away to stop him from touching me like a pervert. What? Does he have a finger fetish or something? Just...ew! This was so uncomfortable. I'm so disgusted by his actions like please. just no! Someone, just take me from this perverted old guy. What kind of things would he do to me? Tears landed on my sweater.

"Why are you crying? Pretty girls like you aren't suppose to cry, it makes them look ugly!" Why wouldn't he just stop talking to me! What did I do to him in the first place? I don't even know who the f*ck he is!!!!

"Man, how rude am I? I didn't even introduce myself...well that doesn't matter now does it? Let's just get straight to the point." He pulled a chair in front of me and took a seat while lighting up a cigarette. Just a whiff of the smoke made me want to throw up.

"Hmm. where to start? Ah... Yes. Hiffzen Kiriko. Or 'Pierre' as some most would call him" W-who was he talking about...the person shares the last name as Yamato...could it be..?

"Hiffen Kiriko, the father of that man you were with." I knew it! But if it's Yamato's dad then...what did he do? "You must be wondering what this has to do with his father. Allow me to explain. Years ago before Kiriko's wife died, he ran a successful business. A company offered him a sponsorship...the company I worked at. The chairman of the company was also seeking a succesor to take over his company. I was supposed to be his successor but the chairman wanted to see what Kiriko could do. I was always so kind hearted to him but was also threatened by his skills. Soon enough he developed his own business and it was amazing how quickly it developed. The chairman offered his position to Kiriko when he retired. But the manager was always impressed with my work!"

He stared to get furious. "That Sh*t Kiriko snatched everything away from me...I wasn't recognized by anyone by my achievements anymore. I was fired, left with no savings. My wife ran away with my two lovely daughters. I searched for weeks but I couldn't find them. I had to hear the news from an old friend. That my daughters were molested and eventually murdered by my wife's new boyfriend as a way to punish her. My wife then, committed suicide because she blamed the deaths on herself."

His story... it was devastating. It was worse way worse than mine. Compared to his problems mine were nothing to cry about but still...what do I have to do with this? I can't magically bring them all back alive.

"So, since the little sh*t is dead, I thought I would take get my revenge by snatching something important from his son which is... you. Am I right?" He chuckles.

Unidentified Love (Slowing Editing)Where stories live. Discover now