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~Yamato's POV~

I sat on the curb of the street, waiting for Mashiro to come pick me up. About twenty minutes passed before a taxi pulled up to the intersection.

"Yamato-kun, what the hell happened? Why are you all bloodied up? Who did this? I'll find them and sue them. Oh Yamato-kun, do you need water? Soda? Anything?" Mashiro stepped out of the taxi, walking in circles frantically.

"I'm fine, let's just go home." I said, clutching my jaw.

I could still feel the killer blow to my jaw that almost knocked out my molars.

"No, we need to get you back to the hospital. I can't let you go home like this!" Mashiro exclaimed.

The taxi driver just sat there in his car, waiting for us to finish already.

"Let's go. NOW!" I demanded, shoving Mashiro aside and getting in the taxi.

For the whole ride home, no one spoke a word. There was an eerie silence within the taxi but that was exactly how I wanted it to be. I wasn't at all in the mood to talk, to anyone.

Maybe I was too harsh with Mashiro. After all, she was just trying to help me but I didn't care. She wasn't on my mind at all. Mei was.

What I did in that restaurant, it was unacceptable but I just couldn't stand it. It hurt to see Mei sitting beside Haruto, my own brother. How could he do this to me?

Suddenly, I was just engulfed by fire. I couldn't control my actions anymore. Flirting with the waitress? It was just a way to try to attract Mei's attention. She's the only one I truly want. But I can't be with her...she likes Haruto. Just by the way she tried to look away when we first made eye contact, she hates me now.

She shot an arrow into my heart and it's stuck in there. A wound that will never heal properly.

"Why, huh? Why can't I? She's just a little bitch anyways. A little useless bitch."

I ruined my chance. Why did I have to say that to her? Why? It's not like I meant, it was just my anger speaking for me. I didn't mean any of it...

"Yamato-kun...we're here." Mashiro whispered, handing the taxi driver the money.

Her voice snapped me out of my daze. There's no point anymore. She likes Haruto.

No, she loves him.

I walked into the apartment and slammed my door shut. I flung my body onto my bed.

"She didn't have to cry over me. She chose to. It's her fault. She's just pathetic like that. She hasn't changed a bit at all. Still the same. The same little girl with no character, bursting into tears over the dumbest things."

Why? I went too far, way too far. All I've ever done was cause her pain. Unbearable pain making her tumble into a depression like state.

Since when did I become this monster? Hurting everyone around me. First it was my father. I failed him. I was suppose to be the one to comfort him during his dark days but I didn't help at all. I distanced myself from him, slowly.

Then Haruto. I didn't provide him with brotherly love. Instead, I would leave him alone in the apartment for days as I stayed after school for every single extracurricular activity I could join.

Then Mashiro. It was probably my tantrums and outbursts that caused her to leave France in the first place. And now, I'm slowly hurting her because I don't love him.

Finally, Mei. I've caused her too much pain. I don't deserve to have her in my life. All she has ever done was try to help me see the positive side of things. She was the ball of light in my life. But I broke her.

I smashed her heart into pieces.

I held the quilt close to my face, silencing my sobs.

It's all my fault. My fault. Everything is my fault isn't it? Why was I even created in the first place when all I am is a great disappointment?

I don't deserve this luxurious life. I don't deserve anything I own. I don't deserve any of this.

"Yamato-kun, are you there? I'm sorry for what I did earlier. Just come out." Mashiro pleaded, knocking on my door.

But I just ignored her.

As harsh as it sounds, I didn't truly love Mashiro anymore. She may have been my first love but she's not the same girl I remember from years ago.

It's Mei who I care about now.

Her lucious long locks, flowing down her back like a waterfall of a subtle shade of ebony. Happiness radiating from those gleaming teal eyes rimmed with a royal blue hue. Those mesmerizing eyes glancing upwards as they reflected the heavens above, melting my heart into a puddle.

Her petite little nose resting in the middle of her face, reminding me of a newborn kitten, so innocent and pure. Her plump bow shaped lips and how she would involuntarily bite them whenever she's nervous.

But it wasn't just her physical features that attracted me, it was her personality.

She was as fierce and as fiesty as a tiger. Loyal as a lion, always protecting and defending her loved ones. She was a strong individual who knew what she wanted, letting no one get in the way of her aspirations.

Yet she also had a vulnerable side. The side that she wouldn't admit she had, the side she wouldn't reveal. But no, she wasn't weak at all. It was from standing strong for too long.

That's what I love about Mei, her vulnerability. As strong as she is, she's also so innocent. It hurt to ever see her in pain and I just want to be the one standing beside her, protecting her. Making sure she's forever content and never again in pain.

I want to be the one comforting her, not Haruto.

But I simply can't. I've hurt her one too many times. 

How can I live like this? Mei...she's tearing me apart from the inside out. Maybe this is what she felt, this unbearable pain.

The pain called love.

Because...I love her.

And I always have. Every since the first time I laid eyes on her. Without noticing, I fell in love with her.

"I love you, Kyoko Mei." I whispered.

But there was no reply, only silence remained.

Sorry for this short chapter...

Hope you enjoyed it though. If you did, please vote :)

The picture in the multimedia section is of Kim Ji Won from The Heirs as Karin Mashiro.

The song attached in the media section is called "Wedding Dress" by Taeyang. The lyrics describe how Yamato feels.

And leave a comment below, what do you think will happen to Yamato and Mei's relationship? What were you today for Halloween?

Happy Halloween!


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