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I'm really in the writing mood right now so here's an early update :) I'll still post a chapter this Friday though :D


~Mei's POV~

"Brother, wait! Don't leave! Haruto shouted, his voice trembling.

What's his problem? Why would Yamato just storm off like that? Couldn't he at least congratulate us or something? He has no right to be mad at me for dating Haruto. Shouldn't he be happy that I've moved on?

Does he not want to see me happy? He broke my heart once and hurt me one too many times, did he really expect me to just keep on waiting for him? Did that make him feel superior? What a jerk, playing a girl's heart just to feel powerful. I guess that the fact that I've moved on crushed his big ego.

"Mei-chan, stay here with Mashiro-chan. I'll go talk to my brother." Haruto half-smiled but I could tell that this was not the reaction he was hoping for.

"No. Let me go. I'll talk to him. Trust me, I'll handle it." I stood up and left, leaving some money on the table to pay for our meal.

As I walked out, the cool evening air brushed against my face, causing me to shiver.

Goddammit, I was so caught up in my thoughts that I forgot to bring my hoodie. Guess I'll just have to freeze my ass off just to talk some sense into that jerk.

Just down the street, I could see Yamato's scrawny figure, waiting for a taxi. So I jogged up to him, trying to keep warm.

"Leave. Go back to your boyfriend or something. Obviously you only care about him so just leave me alone already." Yamato spat out before I even spoke.

"What the hell is your problem, huh? Did you expect me to like you forever, satisfying your ego? Well news flash Mr. I'm-Better-Than-Everyone, I don't like you anymore. Haruto-kun is a way better person than you and he treats me better so guess what? We're dating so you've got to live with it!" I yelled, letting out all my thoughts.

"That's not what I meant." Yamato scowled as he turned around to face me.

This is the first time I've ever noticed how drastically his facial features changed. When I first saw him at the hospital, he did look sick and tired but it seems like his condition is worse now.

His eyes were dull with what seems like wrinkles forming around them. He's barely 18 and he's starting to get wrinkles? Not exactly normal. His hair was falling out now, leaving him almost bald. His lips were chapped and bleeding, as if he just finished fighting a sumo wrestler and lost.

Yes, I pitied him but that didn't stop me from stating my opinion.

"Then what did you mean, huh? Explain to me why you would just storm off like that. The only logical reason is that you have problems with me dating Haruto-kun because you stormed off only after he revealed that we're dating. Why are you against the idea of us dating? Tell me, please." I begged.

"I can't tell you why...I just can't." Yamato whispered faintly.

My blood started to boil again. How does he have nerve to just do that? After all the pain he put through, he owes me an explanation!

"Why can't you tell me, huh? Why? Give me one good reason as to why you can't-" I begun but Yamato cut me off.

As he leaned closer, I could smell the faint scent of apple cider.

Unexpectedly, he pecks me on the lips. His warm chapped lips felt rough against my cold lips, making my heart flutter.

Is all of this some sort of game to him? Why would he just do this when he's dating Mashiro..?

Unidentified Love (Slowing Editing)Where stories live. Discover now