CHAPTER TWELVE: Hidden Images (Part 2)

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"Stab the body and it heals, but injure the heart and the wound lasts a lifetime."


Get ready! This is going to be a really interesting chapter :D -Author


*In Paris*

OH MY FREAKING GOD. I'm in Paris. PARIS FREAKING FRANCE!!! " don't know how badly I've wanted to come here..." Yet I didn't expect to come here to stalk my ex-bestfriend who is soon to be engaged. "Ahh, mademoiselle. France est un bel endroit. Il y a beaucoup d'attractions touristique ici, la tour Eiffel est un." (France is a beautiful place. There are many tourist attractions here, the Eiffel tower is one.) WHOA WHAT? He speaks French?!! " do you know how to speak French anyways?" " mom was Japanese and my dad was French. My dad took me here for least, he used to." He suddenly looked down. It seemed like he wanted to continue but it hurt too much.

"Oh, I'm sorry...maybe we should just get to the hotel." "Yeah...that sounds good." We walked to the hotel in complete silence. When we got there, a room with two beds was already reserved for us so even then, we didn't have to talk. By the time we entered the hotel room, I couldn't stand the silence anymore. "Misuzu-kun...what's bothering you? C'mon, you've seen me cry already. It's time for you to become that patient and I'll be your psychologist." He chuckled. Finally, that laugh. It was weird to not have Misuzu laugh or smile. "Well...ah. I don't know. Do you really want to hear about my life? I'm quite boring." "Oh please! Just tell me what's on your mind!"

"Well, when I was little, I thought I was the only child. I lived in Japan but spent most of my summers in France. My mom, she liked it better in Japan. But my dad had business to do in France. However, when I was barely 8, my father died. To this day, I still don't know how. The problem was that my mom never worked and relied on the money my dad sent. When the lawyers checked his will, all the money went to another family. Turns out, I was the result of some one night stand that my dad had during one of his drunken stupors. So my mom had to find a job but eventually, just quit and abandoned me."

"Oh...Misuzu-kun." "Don't pity me...please. After all, things got better. So around middle school age, I had to move to France permanently since no one could track my mom's side relatives. My dad's side, obviously rejected me. So I was supposed to stay in a foster home in France 'cause well...the other kid was there. My half-brother. Eventually, he took me in and took care of me. He was only a few months older but he was responsible...he protected me." Misuzu smiled but I knew it was only a half hearted smile...

Wow, I feel like a little bitch now for whining about my problems to him when he had gone through worse. How can I be so blind? STUPID MEI!!! "Well, that's enough depression today. I'm going to take a shower, 'Kay Mei-chan?" I nodded, I had to unpack anyways. But maybe...I should just take a nap. The jet lag from the time zones...

*Next day*

"Wake up!!! It's time for breakfast!" Ahhhh!!! I NEED MORE SLEEP!!! "Mom!!! I'll get up later! "Aw, you hurt my feelings! I thought was handsome but...I guess not." I opened my eyes and saw Misuzu, pouting with bread sticking out his mouth. I laughed. "Well you make a really pretty boy, I'll give you that!" "Take that back or I'm not going to give you breakfast!" I immediately sat up...that was amazing. On the table, there were plates and plates. Bread with butter and fruit. Bread with sprinkled many choices! "Misuzu-kun...did you make all that?" I was seriously in awe of his talent.

"I'm flattered that you thought so but...this was all from room service." Oh yeah...we were in PARISSSSS! I grabbed the bread with sugar on top. "Brioche." Say what???? "Huh? What??" "Brioche, it's the name of what you are eating." Oh yeah...I'm such an idiot. Ahhh I'm just going to humiliate myself! Did I care though? Nope! I was starving! I didn't really eat on the plane, thinking I was going to hurl. And soon, everything on the table vanished. Fruits, bread, sweets. Everything.

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