CHAPTER NINE: Fire Made Of Lies

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Author's Note: Please listen to the song Apologize by OneRepublic while reading this chapter :)   (I attached it in the media part - - >)

I decide to skip the rest of the day of school. When I reached home, I ran into my room and shut the door before anyone saw me crying. "Mei! Your home pretty early today is everything alright?" "Yeah mom I'm fine...I just felt a bit sick but don't worry about it!"

I lay on my bed looking at the ceiling... that one thing that happened today was huge... it burnt me to ashes, why couldn't that warm strong hug be for me? Why did Mashiro lie to me? WHAT DID I DO SO WRONG?!! I sobbed in the dark corner of my room. Why didn't I realize this before? Why did I have come to realize that my love for Yamato now? The pain was excruciating, it consumed me... but what type of feelings does he have for me? None probably, his heart is like a blank canvas that has been covered with Mashiro's colors, not leaving one spot of white. Without thinking twice about me...they both planned to leave me, to go to Paris. Anyways, when did Mashiro even go to Paris? And if she met Yamato, then why did she even come back to Tokyo? There must be a reason...but what if she lies to me again? I don't care...I have to ask her!

*Next day at school*

I open my locker and get my music binder out. "Mei! Good morning!" Ugh, it's that fake ass bi*ch. "Guess what? Yamato-kun and I... are dating!" What the hell! You've got to be frigging kidding me! The air suddenly feels thicker, as if it was supposed to suffocate me. Her facial expression changes as if she is trying to make me jealous, well congrats bi*tch! Guess what? I don't give a sh*t! "Nice to hear, just don't forget about me like you always do nowadays!" I slam the locker door and turn away. "OUCH! It hurts!" I quickly turned around and see mashiro on the ground holding her finger, pretending to sob. "Mashiro! Are you okay?! What happened?" Yamato...I've never seen him so caring... "Mei...she shut the locker door on my finger!" "Why the hell did you do that Mei?!" His caring expression suddenly changed to anger; his eyes became fiery. "What the hell is she talking about?! Her finger was at least 3 inches away from my locker!" "Stop lying Mei!" exclaimed Mashiro. But I wasn't lying, it was clearly her who was lying! "Yamato, I think I also twisted my ankle when I fell." What an ass, I swear. He carefully picks her like some princess and walks away. "Wait! If you don't choose to believe what I say, that's your problem! I think it's better that we aren't close anymore..." These words just automatically popped out of my mouth but they just leave without looking back... I never felt so...embarrassed.

*After music class*

Yamato still didn't come to class...not like I care. He's probably up her ass or something. "Mei?" I turned around and it's Misuzu-kun, the other transfer student. "Are you okay?" "Um, yes why do you ask?" "Please follow me." He grabs my hand and pulls me. "Wait, where are you taking me?" "Just come and stay silent!" His voice sounded angry but where is he taking me?

We stopped at the stairs up to the school attic. It was dark so he slighly opened the balcony door slightly to let sunlight peek in. Yamato and Mashiro were both there. "Listen to their conversation, it's about you." He tells me but how does he know? How is it that he knows so much? But for now, I listened to their conversation.

"I wonder why Mei did that, she was never like this before... What's wrong with her?" "Yamato, she likes you...and she told me." WHAT?! Yes, I do like him but when did I tell her?! The only time I've ever talked about him to Mashiro, I was complaining about him! "You like him Mei, don't you?" Misuzu whispers. "W-what?!" "You think out loudly Mei. You show your every thought when you change your facial expressions...ahaha" Shoot! C'mon, does everyone know? Did Misuzu just have to find out?! I quickly turned back and continued to listen to their conversation.

"She likes me? But she always told me she didn't. She always said that she would never fall in love again..." "She told me too but it was all a lie." What the heck?! How did I lie to her about that?! She's the liar! She came back for two freaking days and she's already messing with my life!!!

I shut the door quitely and turned back to Misuzu. "Lets go Misuzu! You're going to help me figure things out!" "Wait...I already know everything..." "What do you mean?" What does he have to do with all of this? I mean I barely know him for crying out loud! How would a complete stranger know everything? He looks down and both his hands turn into a fist. His whole body shook like he was trying to bottle up all the anger. Oh come on! Did I do something again? Aish, seriously! Why is everyone turning on me???

"I'm sorry Mei, I truly am..."

Unidentified Love (Slowing Editing)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن