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*Next day*

I woke up and the other side of my bed was cold...or was it just me? I try to get up from bed but my head feels heavy, as though a ton of rocks were on my a hangover almost. I feel extremely weak, could it be from thinking about Yamato? But it's all over and I know it, but yet I feel like there's a chance I can win his heart. No, that's just impossible.

I drag myself out of bed to the washroom. I quickly brush my teeth and slip my uniform on, I look like a mess...I should probably brush my hair and just leave it down for today. I rarely leave my hair down but I felt too weak to lift my arms up trying to do a perfect ponytail with no bumps or a bun with hairs sticking out.

I run down the stairs as my sight begins to blur...I suddenly freeze as I lay a finger on my forehead. What wrong with me, why do I feel so weak? Should I skip school? But midterm exams are coming up i have to study, I have to get perfect, I have to be ranked 1st. I can't let my parent's hopes for me go to waste.

"Mom, I'm off!" "Wait, you need to eat breakfast!" "I'll skip it today, mom." "Wait! Mei-!" "Mom, don't worry! I can buy something from the cafeteria." My vision begins to become blurry again. I slow down and walk slowly, the side walk... there is two... wait no...three? My head must be messing with me.

*School bell rings*

It's time for first period, I get my science books from my locker and head toward the stairs, everything in sight becomes blurry again. I take one step down the stairs... it's getting worse... voices, ringing in my ears...I see Mashiro and Yamato coming up the stairs, Mashiro gives me a dirty look, trying to convince Yamato to leave but he tells her to wait... did he notice that I'm not feeling well? My head... I feel so... no...I can't...I don't have the strength to hold myself up. Yamato suddenly opens his arms ready to catch me... "Mei-chan! Be careful!!" I feel a warm tight grip, on my wrist... "Misuzu-kun?" I gasp, Yamato's face begins to turn pale as Mashiro pulls his arm away. "Are you okay Mei-chan? What's wrong? Can you walk?!" Misuzu spams me with all his questions. "I-I feel dizzy... sick..." I gasp, trying to keep my eyes open. I feel his warm hand under my neck... he carefully picks me up, he's warm... it's comforting. I look at Yamato through the corner of my eye. He seemed angry. His hands formed into fists as he dashed down the stairs, Mashiro running after him.

*Nurse's office*

I slowly open my eyes as the light blinds me. Someone was sitting beside me... Misuzu? What happened? Huh...I must've fallen or something. That means that he carried me here... I tried to get up from the bed but my felt like someone was hitting me with a hammer. "Mei-chan, you should rest. Don't get up." "It's okay Misuzu-kun. I made you worry to much...I'm sorry." "No Mei-chan, I'm happy to help you. I mean, what are friends for?" He smiles and helps me up. When I looked into his eyes it reminded of someone...Haruto

...Why are they so alike?

He puts a pillow behind my back to keep me comfortable. He pulls the chair closer towards the bed and takes a seat. "Mei-chan." He hesitates. What's wrong? "I can't bare to see you in this much pain...but I have no choice but to tell you..." "Tell me what?" I asked him I really want to know? He looks at me and hesitates. "C'mon tell me Haru-...I mean Misuzu-kun." He stares at for a moment, speechless but continues on as though nothing happened. He takes a deep breath and blurts is all out. "Yamato-kun and Mashiro-chan are leaving to Paris tomorrow...their flight's at 8pm." He stops to take a breath but becomes hesitant to continue. "Spill it Misuzu-kun. I know that there's more to that sentence...what is it?!" "They are planning an engagment..." I suddenly freeze, gripping onto the bed sheet as if my life depended on it. They are getting engaged. They are getting engaged. Those words...they hurt like daggers, stabbing me in the back... The tears streamed down my face. They were salty...salty because nothing was sweet anymore.

I jumped out of the bed, leaving the blanket on the ground. I ran out the door, I didn't want Misuzu to see me cry again. "Mei-chan, wait! He chased after me but I just ran faster. I ran up the stairs, to the school roof and sat in the corner against a wall. The cold breeze made my tears freeze. Like my heart, frozen by an everlasting pain.

"Mei..." Misuzu gasps, trying to catch his breath. "I know this hurts you. That's why I didn't want to tell you but you have to be strong please... for me. " I look up to see him with watery red eyes. He pitied me didn't he? He pitied how I was pathetic, chasing after Yamato didn't he? But does it matter anymore? No...because at least he comforts me. He gives me a big warm hug... the one I was expecting from Yamato. My heart begins to beat faster... This was just like the time Haruto and I-no what am I thinking? I have to stop thinking about him. That Haruto...he was my past. Misuzu looks at me and smiles. "Did my hug make you feel better?" "I'll be honest, you did make me stop crying." "I'm glad. But Mei-chan...would you like to come with me to Paris?... We should follow them, we have to confront Mashiro for all her lies. After all, didn't you want me to get more information about her?" My eyes suddenly go wide... He was doing so much for me, to the point he is willing to take me to Paris. "Thank you Misuzu-kun! Thank you so much!" "How many times do I have to tell you? What are friends for?" He wipes my tears as we laugh. Misuzu is always there for me. I feel like I can rely on him for everything...

I wish I had met him before, he wouldn't have lied to me like Mashiro.

*School bell rings*

It's the end of the day I put all my text books in my bag so i can study what i have missed today. "Yo!" I turned around and it's Misuzu. He grabs my bag and my arm. "I'm gonna drop you off home today." "No, I'm fine. You don't have to." "What if you get dizzy again and fall? Maybe even hit the ground and get a concussion?" "But, I won't. I feel better, I swear." "I have nothing better to do so I'm gonna take you home no matter what." "Jeez fine." He grins at me. "I almost forgot. He hands me a piece of paper. "What's this?" I ask. "It's the information on our flight and where we are going to be in Paris.

Plane departure time: 8:00 p.m (20:00)

Airport: Charles de Gaulle Airport

Hotel: Paris Avenue Marceau

"Sounds good thanks." I smile. "No problem." "W-wait... How am I going to convince my mom... no not mom... dad..." "Oh yeah, I forgot about that, I live alone so it never crossed my mind that you'll have to do some convincing. Don't worry, I can figure out a way. Try asking today though while I book the tickets." "Okay thanks! And thanks for dropping me off...and always taking my side. I appreciate it very much." "Anything for a good friend like you." I smile and headed inside. "Bye!" I shouted as he waved goodbye.

Wait... how did he know where I lived? That's strange... rarely anyone knows where I live because I lived on a street that leads to a dead end. Maybe Mashiro told him, that bitch be telling everyone, everything. But if it's Misuzu, I don't care if he knows.

Inside, mom was cooking dinner while dad didn't arrive home yet. "Um, mom...really what I said a few days ago?" "What honey? What did you say?" "Well remember how I talked about an exchange student from Paris?" "Mhmmm....soooo what about that?" Oh...gosh. How am I suppose to ask them if I can go to Paris...IT'S FREAKING PARIS!!!!

"Well...umm...myfriendwhoisanexchangestudentwantedmetogowithhimtoParisandlikeIknowthat'sfarbutit'spaidforand-" "Whoa! Slow down there missy! I can't understand a word you are saying!" Here goes nothing... "My transfer student friend wanted me to go with him to Paris. The flight is tomorrow at 8pm. But don't worry about me because I won't fool know me! I'll be in libraries and museums, soaking up ancient history and admiring the architect-" "This boy is from your class? How tall? Can he do karate? Are you dating him? Is he really cute? What do you think about hi-" "MOMMMM!!! IT'S NOT LIKE THAT!!!" But I didn't hear a no... "OH MY GOD!!! ARE YOU ACTUALLY LETTING ME GO?" "Well yes...since it sounds very educational for you. But still...I won't be surprised if you got lost because you can't even speak French and-" " THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!" "Hold on there still have to come back and do the dishes, everyday for the next year. OHHHHH and clean kitchen and living room since I'll probably have to make up something to convince your dad..."

"THANK YOU MOM! You're the best!!!" I hugged her and gave her a kiss. "Now go pack your bags and go get ready for tomorrow!" Seriously, my mom was the best. She turned everything into a joke and she really understood me.

Paris...I'm going to Paris. I felt something I haven't felt in a while.


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