CHAPTER FOUR: Overnight Field Trip

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*At Home*

He was on my mind 24/7. Is it because of what I did? I wish there was something I could do to make it up to him, If only Mashiro-chan was here. But she's sick. Maybe she's better now? So I decided to text her:

30minutes ago

To: (These are not really from the characters, remember that.)


Hey, you okay? I hope you get better soon! Xoxo Mei

23 minutes ago



Please reply ASAP. When you were gone, something happened. I need to talk about it.

16 minutes ago



Okay, maybe you aren't online but it's about the new guy, Hiffzen Yamato. I think I hurt his feelings...I have to find a way to apologize... he just won't take the chance to listen to me.

9 minutes ago



I think I got on his bad side and he'll permanently hate me >.< Not cool. I'm the class president, it'll suck if he hates.

1 minute ago



Do you like him? Because every girl in class was staring and drooling over him. Ah well, gtg help mom with the dishes. my mom's getting on my case for slacking off on homework. I dropped from an A to an A- and she's going crazy.

It seems like Mashiro-chan was sleeping or something so I stopped spamming her with all my messages.

*Two days later*

Yet another day without Mashiro-Chan, how sick is she? She didn't reply to any of my texts. Like seriously, what's going on with her? I even asked to visit. On my phone, it shows that she has seen the message but why doesn't she reply back?

Maybe she really was sick or maybe she had to visit her grandma. Yea, her grandma's cottage is out of the city so maybe she just didn't have good wifi reception. Maybe...but why wouldn't she tell me before?

"Attention students! As you guys can see, I have papers in my hands! Guess what it is! C'mon..."

The room remained silent as Akio-sensei bangs he head into the wall in frustration.

"What a bunch of worthless children! These are overnight field trip forms to the beach!"

The class goes wild. Everyone broke off into their own little groups, discussing plans about what to bring.

"Well, I didn't have to make an effort for you peeps to go wild. Aren't I the coolest teacher?" Then there goes Akio-sensei, flattering himself.

"Okay make sure to show your parents the permission forms and don't forget the MONEY!" He reminded us.

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