Note :/

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Chapter 23 is going to be posted on October 10 instead of September 26 for two reasons.

1) This story is written by two authors. That means that one person has to write the chapter and the other, edits. Or revises. It takes time for this process to work. For example, the writer for that week might be running late on writing her chapter and the editor is busy too so the chapter might be up late (like last week.)

I'm supposed to write this week's chapter and I've got a writer's block. I'm not in the mood to write and a have a huge amount of homework: tests, reports, essays and assignments! I can't think of an idea for the chapter. I also don't have the time to write the chapter and upload it quick enough for this Friday's chapter to be up on time. Sorry :/

2) Next Wednesday, my co-writer and I have this overnight field trip we have to go on (something similar to the trip you read about in chapter 4) and we'll be back on Friday, in the afternoon. So I can't post a chapter for next week either. Plus, we have to pack and etc. I know, I know, it's such a drag but it really is hard, balancing school and writing this story.

I hope you all understand our situation and don't mind that the next chapter will have to posted two weeks from now. I'm really, really sorry. If you're in the mood to read, you should really check out other people's reading lists. Or heck, even ours! It has stories that are somehow similar to ours so I guess you can read that for the time being?

Anyways, I feel like this was a really long author's note. Hehehe sorry! Byeee <3


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