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October 12

"I think this is Jimin's house."

Yana parked infront of Jimin's house and looked at her friends. "I think so too." Liyah added while going out of the car. Yana followed and walked to the front door with Liyah while Andy stayed in the car.

The two girls knocked on the front door and waited for a few minutes before getting an answer. The door opened, revealing Mr. Park at his usual state (drunk sksk).

"Hello sir. Does Park Jimin live here?" Liyah asked with a smile.

Jimin's father looked at the two girls for a second before nodding. "What do you need?"

"Oh, we're Jimin's classmates. He didn't went to school yesterday and wasn't answering any of our calls or texts. Is he sick?"

Mr. Park looked at Yana and chuckled.

"Sick? That boy left Monday night and for sure, he won't bother to come back."

The two girls looked at eachother before flashing a slight smile to Mr. Park.

"Can you call him, Mr. Park?"

"Why would i? I don't want him back here anyway. He's annoying."

Mr. Park chuckled and slammed the door close, leaving the two girls' eyes widen. Yana and Liyah walked back to the car and both let out a 'tsk' at the same time.

"Such a rude man." Yana said, obviously annoyed from Mr. Park's words and actions.

"I know." Liyah answered before going in the car with Yana.

~ meanwhile ~

"Hyung's i'm gonna go buy Jimin a cake for his birthday tomorrow. Since Jimin is still asleep, i'll go now."

Jungkook stated with a bunny smile while looking at his hyungs in the kitchen. They noticed how happy and excited Jungkook was and chuckled.

"Hmm.. you look so excited, Jungkook-ah." Hobi stated, making Jungkook scratch his head shyly.

"It's just.. it's Jimin's special day tomorrow. And he's gonna celebrate it with us."

"Yeah, yeah. Be careful, okay?" Namjoon laughed and continued to cut the carrots the wrong way until Jin pointed it out.

"I will hyung. Oh, don't forget to take some food to Jimin."

Jungkook added before walking to the car and driving to buy Jimin a birthday cake.


On the other hand, a few minutes after Jungkook left, Jimin woke up smelling some sweet scent in the room. He rubbed his eyes before looking around.

"Oh, Jimin. You're awake."

Jin looked at the younger and smiled. Jimin smiled back and sat down. "Good morning hyung."

"Good morning too and here's some pancakes."

Jin placed the tray on the bed and ruffled Jimin's messy hair. The younger giggled and eyesmiled.

"Ahh~ such a cute smile of yours. Anyway, just go downstairs after you finish, hm?"

"I can go downstairs?" Jimin asked while looking at the older. Jin nodded and smiled.

"Anyways, i'll go downstairs now. Enjoy your pancakes."

"Thank you hyung."

Jimin smiled, as he watched Jin walk out of the room. He then looked down at the delicious-looking pancakes.

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