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[Jimin's PoV]

7:00 pm

I was walking towards the school's gate when a car suddenly pulled up beside the sidewalk.

"President! Are you still going to your Eomma?" Yana smiled and peaked from the driver's seat.

"Yes, after i buy flowers.. why?"

"Is it far? We'll drop you there president since it's not safe walking alone at night."

"Oh.. it's not far and.. i'll be fine."

"You sure president?" Andy peaked from the backseat. I nodded and smiled. "Take care."

"You too president. Bye!"

I watched as the car drove away the quiet street. I started to walk to a nearby flower shop before walking to the cemetery.


[No One's PoV]

"Eomma~ i'm here."

Jimin sat down beside his Eomma's grave and placed the bouquet of flowers down. The cemetery was dark and quiet, the only light source was the moon and his phone.

"Appa is probably gonna beat me up when i get home, but it's fine. It's your birthday and i can't miss it, Eomma."

The boy rested his chin on his knees, staring at his mother's grave. Tears started falling down his cheeks as he remembered their memories together.

"Eomma, why would you leave me with Appa? I'll probably die from his treatment.. but my 18th birthday is in three days, Eomma. I can finally move out and live on my own. I've been saving a lot, since i can't stand living with Appa."

Jimin wiped his tears.

"He's been treating me like shit. Not letting me speak for myself. Controlling my whole life.. ever since you left us."

He continued to stare at his mother's grave, tears rolling down his face non-stop.

"Eomma, i miss you."


After series of crying and ranting, Jimin decided to do some homework while still sitting beside his mother's grave.

It was getting late but Jimin has no idea until he decided to check the time.. 10:50 pm.

"Oh no.. Eomma, i gotta go. I promise i'll come visit you again. I love you so much."

Jimin grabbed his bag and ran back home, knowing well what's waiting for him at home.


[Jimin's PoV]

I arrived home, breathing heavily from running. I noticed that the lights were still open.

Well, shit.

I silently went inside and closed the door. There was no signs of Appa so i just silently walked up the stairs.

"Well, well, well.."

I felt shivers run down my spine as i heard Appa's voice. I gulped and slowly turned to face him. He was holding a baseball bat. The thing he would always use to hit me.

"You decided to go home, bitch. Didn't i told you to come home early?!"

I flinched and started trembling in fear.

"I w-went to visit Eomma and l-lost track of time.. i'm s-sorry Appa."

As i bowed down, my hair got grabbed and i was dragged to the living room.

"A-Appa p-please! It h-hurts!"

I pushed him away and stood up, looking at him.

"You never learn Jimin! I told you to come home early and make me di-"

I got annoyed and snapped.

"If you'd stop drinking and try working on your own then you'll make food for yourself!"

But that only made him angrier.

Appa punched me hard causing me lose balance and fall down. I was about to stand up but he grabbed a glass bottle and hitted me on the head once again.

"It should've been you who died Jimin, not your mom!"

"Your mom doesn't even love you.. no one loves a useless boy like you."

Tears started falling down my face, as i forced myself up and ran out of the house.

I couldn't handle it anymore. The pain is too much for a weak boy like me.

I countinued to run to where my legs take me. My eyesight was blurry due to the non-stop tears streaming down my face.

I slowly stopped running but kept on crying until i saw some blood on my hands. It was from a visible wound on my forehead.

I looked down and noticed some broken glass pieces on the ground. I wiped my tears and realized it was from a window.. from a nearby store, steps away from me.

My curious self started leading me towards the store, wanting to see what's going on there but at the same time, i didn't want to.

I stopped when i heard some crashing and whispering inside the store. The streets were quiet and empty and it was the only store with the lights on.

I peeked inside and saw five people with full-masked on.. robbing the place?!

Suddenly, one of them turned to look at me and made eye-contact with me. I panicked but froze because of the cold stare.

We stared at eachother for seconds before i decided to run away. I then heard someone shout from the store. I glanced back and saw two men running towards me.

I runned faster and turned to a dark alley. I immediately hid behind the trash cans and covered my mouth, trying not to make any sound.

"I saw him run this way."

A deep male voice said, making me move to the shadow more. My heart was racing and i didn't know what to do.

I took a quick peek and saw a group of people with masks, talking to eachother while looking around. I decided to crawl away silenly until i felt a hand on my mouth and everything went black..

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