I'm There With You

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Two years in a row, I've been without you on Christmas. Last year, I had been left. You disappeared from my life like a sun that had set; the colors of my world were so beautiful. Orange and red with white clouds. It was like a painting that has imprinted in my brain. It was so flawlessly sad, and now you are gone. You set like the sun and left me to the darkness.
This year, I left you. But I did not disappear, no... You were probably waiting for me to say that word so you could take off.
You were once a rising sun in my eyes, blinding me with your light.
Getting higher and higher in the sky, your fiery gaze melting the dark poet in me.
I miss you.
That's what I'm trying to say.
I miss you like a bird misses sky.
I miss you like train on tracks.
My heartlines have long since dried up and wilted in me.
I miss you like the moon misses kissing the ocean.
I miss you like waves upon shore, and like fire to wood.
There is nothing more I can say. Except I will love you always.
And I could never replace you, god, I couldn't even try.
But the point of all of this is the lies.
I miss the way you leave me.
It hurts but I love the demons I must carry. And I love that you drive me towards that road.
The road will always be my home because of you.
I wish you knew that in some way, I'm right there beside you on that sea. I'm traveling a thousand miles across the world, so that you can see... I'm a gypsy now, because you were once my home.
Now, I will never be returned.
I'm a monster. A super nova in the galaxies. A shell of a person. A dark hole that collects the most poetic words. A well of sadness and mourning. A gypsy that knows nothing but the road. A creature that has a soul like a wolf, as wild and as wavering as the sea.

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