Only Magic (Reborn)

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Only Magic (Reborn)
I adore the sky. I adore space and time. And I adore that wild look that is born in your eyes. And in your heart where we collide. It was always meant for slow time.
For gentleness as we swayed with the wind, and the forest breathes vines in our bloodstream and pine into our bones.
Anywhere with you will always be my home.
No strings, no gentle caresses could cure you. Not even as you stood with the tide.
We were lost for a long time, and still we search for harder ground. Still we crawl on our hands and knees, begging the stars to come and take us. Take us far away, to a better place. To a place of reckless abandon, hopelessness with no humanity so we will never be afraid again.
Never be touched by worry or hurt. We would have not a care in the world as we spun through time together, drifting in and out of love.
How careless we are, falling into an abyss, full of stars and darkness and shadows that would surely swallow the soul.
A pause in time we will eventually earn, and spend it in a calm, out of body, ritual.
Only magic would suffice.
Only magic could bring stardust falling from your eyes.
And then we'd throw ourselves recklessly back into the darkness, where darkness we became.
Our souls live on, still to this day. Floating in the flames and crashing in the waves. Carried in the wind until we are reborn again.

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