All In My Head

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I never planned for this to happen.

For me to fall so hard over you.

Why did you do this? Why'd you leave me here with nothing?

All I have is this darkness that comforts me because it reminds me of you.

I live inside this fantasy world where no one exists... Not even you.

It's just an emptiness that has become comfortable silence. Along with you...

It haunts me.

I have a special place for you, where you are in my head- There's you.

Only you. And we're running so far. And we've been running for miles. And we've been through so much.

I am an addict. I need to breathe you in. I need that fix that only you can give. I need to touch you and feel you against me.

I am an addict.

I can't say it and feel like it's enough.

It will never be enough.

It's not enough to tell me that you care.

It's not enough to pull me close.

Nothing will ever be enough without you.

I am a true addict when you're gone from my life.

~ Letters to the infamous Him ... xxx

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