River Flows In You

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I wish nothing but the best for you and I hope and pray that you won't forget me. I hope you'll remember me in your summer haze.

All bound up by your newer days. Too old for you to even think of me.

Goodbye forever, one day we'll officially meet.

I hope to see my boy again, see him in the light of day. Hopefully his armor will have fell off by now and he'll open to me.

And place a gentle kiss upon my skin. Like it always could have been.

Goodbye, my love. I'll see you in another life, hopefully I'll be that something that you can find.

Never mind our older days, just forget the whole phase. I was stupid and foolish but in another time I'll be better. And not insane. I'll be with you, someday. In another place.

I'll hold onto us for the next couple centuries. I'll be okay. I just hope to see my man another day.

I begged for you. Cried out in the crowd. I even screamed your name somehow.

But now that life is over, it's in the past. My new start in life is here, and I'll never go back.

I'll hope to see you out on the streets, you'll be wearing plaid and you'll just go on about your day... But I'll stop and stare for a while. Wishing I could be a part of you in some way. Wishing I could be whole today.

I used to cry and shake but not anymore. The days have passed and you've slammed the door.

Years have gone by, oh how the time flies. I bet you'll still remember me, but in a different way. In your memory I'll be the girl that used to be. I'll be the selfish girl who couldn't hold it together.

But you'll still be the same to me; all dressed up and ready to go. With your hand running through your hair and the muscle in your arm bulging. I remember you clenching your jaw a few time. You'll be the guy who held me while you slowly put a dagger into my heart. But I'd always forgive you, boy blue, so I'll pretend it didn't happen and restart.

I remember the golden days, back in the summer of 2012, when you and me were meant to be. Back then, we had it made. I was always so sure in you. Now that you've left me once, what do I do?

I'll try and try to forget you but it never seems to work. Is a love like this suppose to hurt? It's all been so fine, even though we had walked a thin line.

I suppose I'll have to wait twenty more years. Maybe you'll have changed? But what if I'm still the same? Will you love me then, if maybe this time I took your hand?

The days grow shorter 'cause now I no longer ponder. I just sleep. The sweet, blissfulness of darkness and dreams await me during the day. I'll never be able to keep the thought of you at bay.

So I'll stand in the pouring rain with the thunder and electricity that has become air-born. I'll stand out in the cold and watch you hold some other girl. I'll stand here all alone while you kiss and love her.

But that's okay. When we both pass away, we'll be together for all the rest of those days.

Until then, I'll continue to walk by the river that I am so fond of because it reminds me of you, in the way it moves.

It's okay if we don't meet again until the after-days. I'll be able to wait.

Maybe you'll forget me but I'll be here in your past life. I'll be stuck in our old memories, caught up on what could be. What should have been.

I'll hold my breath as the river that flows in you is right in front of my eyes. I'll hold my breath as I dive and hold my breath for you for the last time.

I'm coming to meet you, my crazy man. I'm drowning quickly so please come and take my hand. We can sink together for as long as time lasts forever.

It will all be okay, you don't have to be scared. I'll be by your side the whole way. I'll hold you close and breathe you in, as we come out of our skin.

I knew I'd be with you again, someday. I will hold you in my arms and sing for you. I will never let you go.

Lets drift off into the darkness together. We'll be drifting off into the abyss forever.

(Inspired by Yiruma's "River Flows In You". Sort of dedicated to his beautiful peice of art.)

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