Chapter 9.

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*Darcy’s POV*

Harry didn’t say anything, he just kissed the top of my head and held me for a while. It was nice to be in Harry’s arms. I felt safe, wanted, something I haven’t really felt in a long time. 

“You guys okay?” I turn around to see Liam leaning on the door frame with his hands in his pockets and eyebrows furrowed together. 

“Yeah, it was just a little hard for me to see El lying there. So I came out here, then Harry came and helped me cool off.” I said getting up from Harry’s embrace, wiping the tears from my eyes. 

“Alright, well Louis’ looking for you inside.” 

“Okay, I’ll be right there.” Liam nodded and went back inside. I put my hand out for Harry, which he accepted, and I helped him up. 

“Thanks for helping me Harry.” I said while walking back inside hand-in-hand with him.   

“You don’t need to thank me.” he said looking down at me, smiling, sincerity in his eyes. I stopped and turned towards him. “What’s the matter?” he asked confused. I didn’t say anything. All I did was stare into his eyes, I moved from one eye to the other. I found myself leaning in. I could feel Harry’s unsteady breaths tickling my nose. I closed my eyes and our lips met. This kiss was different than the other, but a good different. I moved my hands, and placed them on his chest and his hands on my hips. Our lips moved perfectly together.

“Oh Harry, I forgot to te-WHAT THE HELL?” Harry and I pull apart and turn to see a shocked Liam at the door. 

“Liam, It's not what it looked like we were just…” Liam gave me a 'Cut the crap' look. Shit. I turned to Harry. 

“It really wasn't what it looked like Liam, it was just a….umm….spur of the moment thing.” Really Harry? Spur of the moment? I slap my forehead and shook my head. Liam just chuckled. 

“What so funny” Harry asked with a confused look. 

“Nothing Haz, lets just go inside already” I said pulling him by the arm. Liam followed behind us. I hope Liam doesn't tell Louis, I mean it was just a kiss but I know how Louis is, and he won't be too happy if he finds out that we kissed. As if on cue I hear Harry ask Liam. “That's not my secret to tell so, no I won't tell him.” Harry and I sighed in relieve. “Now that we're talking about it, what is going on between you two?” he asked. I froze, I don't know what Harry and I are, I mean I know what I want to be, but we haven't talked about it yet. I turn to Harry and he just smirks and puts his arm around my neck. “We're together” he says. A smiled formed on my lips and Harry looked down at me and winked. I blush and turn back to Liam.

“I knew you guys would get together sooner or later.” He smiled at us. “I'm happy for you two, but are you going to tell the others?” Shit. I forgot about that, what are they going to think? I mean if Liam's supportive then they will be too right? I started to worry. Harry noticed and kissed the top of my head, he left his lips linger there for a few seconds before pulling back. “We’ll tell them when you're ready.” He whispered in my ear sending goose bumps down my back. I nodded my head and smiled. I turn to Liam. “Soon” I said. He nodded. We were almost at the waiting room so Harry removed his arm from around my neck. I was disappointed and pouted. Harry noticed my action and chuckled. When we reached the waiting room, Louis ran up to me. 

“Where have you been? I've been looking for you everywhere.” He asked, worry in his eyes. 

“I was outside. I couldn't handle seeing Eleanor like that, it brought back too many memories.” I said looking down. Louis gave me a tight hug. “I am so sorry Darcy, I completely forgot about that.” He said still not letting me go. I smiled. “It's fine. Harry was with me and helped me cool off.” He let go of the hug and I saw a hint of guilt in his eyes. He turned towards Harry. “Thanks man.” Harry just smiled and nodded his head. 

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