Chapter 8.

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Hello:) So here is, I hope you like it:) xx-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

*Darcy’s POV *

When Louis left to go see El, me and the boys were left in the room. The nurse said that we were allowed to stay in the room. So right away we made them our self’s comfortable. Zayn was in the corner playing a game on his phone. Niall was watching TV and eating popcorn, somehow he managed to sneak down to the café with out anyone noticing. Liam was lying on the bed reading a book. Harry is nowhere to be seen and as for me, well I’m just sitting on the window sill looking outside and think about what happened last time I was in this hospital. I got knocked out of my own thoughts by someone sitting in front of me and talking. 

“ Hey, you okay?” asked Harry. 

“ Yeah, I’m fine. Just thinking” I answered simply, not really wanting to talk about it.

“ What Abo-” 

“ Wait a minute” I cut him off. “ When did you get here? I’m pretty sure you weren’t here two seconds ago.”   

He chuckled and said “ Actually I’ve been back for about five minutes now.” Woe! How long have I been staring out the window? “ You were so out of it, I didn’t want to disturb you. So I just hung out with Zayn, which by the way went to go get some food, he said if you want anything to text him. Than after I talked to the doctor asking if El would be able to go with us to London. I thought it would be a good idea so she can relax….and yeahh…” 

“ That’s a great idea Harry, I’m sure she would love to go with us.” I smiled at him.  “And alright, I am pretty hungry.” I stated. I took out my phone out and texted Zayn, saying to bring me back a sandwich and some OJ. When I was done I put my phone back in my pocket and turned to Harry

" What did the doctor say about it?" I asked Harry.

He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion." What did he say about what?"

Oh gosh Harry." About El being able to go to London dummy."  

He let out a slight chuckle. " Ohhh haha he said she should be healthy enough to go. And it would do her some good to relax and stuff."  

" Yay! I can't wait. Another girl in the house, i wont be the only one there." I smiled “ So, why didn’t you go with Zayn?” I asked 

“ I was going to, but then I noticed you crying and decided to come see if you were okay.” As he said this I felt my cheeks and noticed that they’re moist. How did I not notice that I was crying? “Speaking of that are you sure that you’re okay?” Question Harry. 

“ Yeah I’m fine, I was just thinking about something.” As I said that a tear slipped down my cheek. I looked away from him, trying to hind the fact that I was crying again. Harry lifted my chin with his pointer finger and thumb and turned my head forcing me to look at him. He looked me in the eyes and said “ You can tell me you know? I’m a good listener.” I looked in his eyes and could tell that he was being sincere. “ But…..If you don’t want to tell me I understand, I’m not going to force you into telling me.” He said looking away. I anted to tell him, but I haven’t talked about it since that day. And the only people that I have actually talked about it with was my best friends Carolina, Caitlin and of course Louis. 

“ It was three years ago. I was 15, and I was with Louis and his family. They invited me to go to California with them, and of course I said yes. I had a fun time. When we got back I went straight home I excited to tell my parents about how the trip was.” I felt some tears fall. Harry grabbed my hand and I took a deep breath. “ I got home and no one was there, I called my mom but there was no answer so I called my dad. He told me that he was on his way to pick me up. I didn’t get a chance to ask him why or what happened, he just hung up. When my dad got home I saw he was crying, he ran up to me and hugged me. I had no idea what was going on. He just told me that we needed to go to the hospital because of my mom. I kept asking what happened but he wouldn’t answer me he just kept crying to himself. When we got to the hospital…….it was this same exact one…….. We went to my mothers room. I saw my mom lying there motionless I started crying and kept asking over and over what happened and if she was okay.” At that moment I couldn’t hold it in anymore. I broke down on Harry’s shoulder. He rubbed circles on my back with his hand and told me that it was okay and that I didn’t need to tell him anymore. But I refused and continued. “ The doctors came in and told my father that my mother wont last on her own. I was confused, I wanted to know what happened to her so badly. My dad finally turned to me and told me that my mother had brain cancer. They never noticed it because she didn’t really have symptoms but one night he woke up to see my mom throwing up blood so he rushed her here. They told him that the cancer was too big and they couldn’t do anything about it. I was yelling at him saying that I couldn’t be true….Harry I was only gone two weeks...…two weeks..... that’s it….before I left she was perfectly fine.” I was sobbing. At this point Niall, Liam and Zayn were next to me trying to comfort me two. They were all tearing up. “ My mom was so bad that she had to be placed on life support. My dad told me that my mom signed a paper saying that if she was ever in life support to cut it off. I couldn’t believe that she actually wanted to die, that she actually wanted to leave me. My dad had to take me out of the room to try to calm me down but I wouldn’t. He finally called Louis and he came straight over. If it wasn't for Lou, i dont know if i would have been able to get through it.  A couple of hours passed then the doctor said that we had to say our good-byes. I told her that I loved her and I wished she didn’t have to go……..and I guess you can tell what happened after that.” The boys all hugged me, they had an apologetic  look on their faces. 

“ I’m so sorry Darc.” said Harry. Everyone else nodded their heads in agreement. 

“ Thanks.” I didn’t really know what to say. “ I kept thinking that if I didn’t go with Lou and his family then I would have been with my mom longer and maybe, just maybe she would still be here.” I looked up at everyone and saw they all had upsetting looks on their faces. “ Hey, don’t be upset guise, it was three years ago, I mean yeah it does still get me upset that she isn’t here but I got over it. Today’s not about me, its about El. So why don’t we think good thoughts for her.” I tried to act strong, but deep down I’m worried that El will die, and I just wont be able handle it if she does. The boys all agreed. We went back to doing our own thing. After Half hour it got pretty boring and we were just waiting around for Louis to come back so we could go see her. 

“ As you love me we could be starving,

 we could be homeless, we could be broke

As long as you love me, 

I'll be your platinum, I'll be your silver, I'll be your gold

As long as you love, love, love, love, love me, love me”  

I heard Louis ring tone go off, I guess he left his phone here. I went over and saw that it was Jay. I picked it put. “ Hello?” I asked 

“ Hello, who’s this?” 

“Its Darcy.” 

“ Darcy, oh sweetie I just heard what happened is everything okay how’s Eleanor?” she questioned. 

“ She’s good Louis is in the room with her now.” 

“ Do you think that you could bring I’m the phone I really have to talk to him.” 

“ Yeah sure, let me just go find out what room.” 

“ Okay thank you honey.” 

“ No problem.” I turned to the boys who all had confused looks on there faces. “ It’s Jay, She wants to talk to Louis so I’m gonna go give him the phone.” I said. They all nodded there heads and Liam told me what room they're in. I was walking down the hall way still talking to Jay on the phone. We were just talking about what we were going to do now. I told her how we are going to invite Eleanor to go to London with us and she thought it was a great idea. When I got to the door I over heard Louis and Eleanor talking. I only caught half of what they were saying. 

“ I shouldn’t have accused you of being in love with her, it was stupid. I’m sorry.”  Who is she talking about… Lou really in love...... with someone else, while he is still with El? * Note to self, talk to Louis about who he is " In Love" with. * 

“ Babe your tired lets talk about this some other time, get some rest.”

“ Alright. I love you Lou.” 

“ I love you too El.” I decided that I should knock on the door now and I did. 

“ Hey Lou, Jay’s on the phone for you.” I said handing him the phone.

“ Oh okay thanks Darcy.” He took the phone and left me and Eleanor alone. She look so fragile, that if you touched any part of her, she would break into a million pieces. Seeing her like that reminded me of my mom. I felt the tears coming down my face. I smiled sweetly at her trying to hide the tears. I couldn’t take seeing her like this. I told her I was sorry and I left the room. I ran outside and started sobbing, I slid down a wall and just sat there until I felt someone come behind me. I was happy to see his face. I was hopeing that he would come. 

“ You okay babe?” He asked. 

I couldn’t lie to him. I just shook my head and said “ No”.  He sat down next to me and I leaned my head on his shoulder. He hugged me from the side and said “ Everything’s going to be okay. Just remember that I’m here for you if you need me.”

“ I know and thank you.”  I sniffled. He kissed my forehead.

" No problem."  

“ Harry?” I questioned. 

“ Hmm?” 

“ I love you.” I said and looked into his eyes. 


Awwee poor Darcy, her mom dieing is just so sad:( On the bright side she said she loved Harry.........but what does he feel? Anywho I hope you liked it:) Comment and Vote? Thanks:) xx

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