Chapter 18.

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-Harry's POV -

After the conversation I had with Zayn, I went back to my room and tried to convince the girls to come as soon as possible. I even offered to pay for their tickets. At first they said they could only come in a week, it was an improvement but not good enough. I need them to come as soon as possible. They are the only ones that Darcy really listens to and takes real, true advise from. They're my key to winning Darcy back.


I turned towards my laptop and saw that I had a message from Caitlin.

-Message Convo-

Caitlin: Hey, Harry I talked to Carolina and our parents and we convinced them to let us come earlier. When should we come?

Harry: Hey. That's great! And umm come ASAP! Can you be here tomorrow?

Caitlin: TOMORROW!? Are you crazy Harry? I thought you meant maybe like in 3 days or something. Idk if we can. I mean our parents still have to get some more money so we can fly there.

Harry: Please! Please come tomorrow! I will pay for your tickets and everything.

Caitlin: I can't let you pay for our stuff Harry.

Harry: Ugh you're just like Darcy. Please, just let me pay! I need you guys here. You're my only hope.

Caitlin: Ok, Ok, I'll talk to Carolina. Thanks Harry.

Harry: No Thank you!

Caitlin: Haha What ever dude. Bye.

Harry: Bye.

Yes! My plan is starting to be put into place. I really hope this works, its my last chance. You see the plan is to bring Caitlin and Carolina over here and let them hang out with Darcy. Hpefully they will talk Darcy into getting back together with me. It sounds devilish I know but its not that bad. I can't wait until they come, I can't wait to be with Darcy and hold her in my arms again. She's like a drug, my drug and I just got to have her.

-Darcy's POV-

Something strange is going on. Zayn and Harry are acting so different. I don't know if it was something I did or what but all I know is that they're on to something and I'm going to find out what.

~Next Day~

I woke up and went straight to the bathroom to get ready. The boys said that they had a surprise for me today and they told me to be ready by 8:00. I took a shower and got dressed. I have no idea where we're going so I just decided to put on a black denim high waisted shorts, a light blue lace shirt that was long in the back and stopped mid stomach in the front, I put on my light blue TOMS as well and I did my hair. I left it down but pulled to the side, held by a cute flower pin. I put on my usual make-up, mascara and lip gloss. Once I was ready I headed down stairs to meet the boys all standing by the door looking very impatient.

"What's with the faces?" I asked as i reached the bottom of the stairs.

"We had to leave the house by 8:00" said Harry looking very tired.

"So? It's only..." I look to the side and HOLY FREAK CAKES 8:45? Woops!

"Woops" I laugh lightly.

"C'mon lets go" Zayn said while Pushing me out of the door. We all got in the car and drove for 2 hours and most of them fell asleep. Zayn was driving so I turn to him. "Hey Zayn?"


"Where are we going?" he looked at me quickly and sighed.

"I'm not suppose to tell you but....we're going to the airport." he responded.

"Ohh okay." I shrugged my shoulders and leaned back in my seat and closed my eyes for a second. I guess it was longer than a second because I soon found myself getting shaken up. "Uh? Whats going on?"

"We're here" I sat up and looked around. Hmm I guess we are. We all piled out of the car and I walked upto Zayn.

"So...why are we here?" he looked down at me and smiled.

"You'll see." We walked all the way to the last terminal and waited there. Harry was looking around the place all crazy like. Once he spotted who he was looking for he whistled. I turned to where he was looking and gasped.

"CAITLIN! CAROLINA!" I screamed running towards my two bestest friends in the whole world.

"DARCY!" they screamed in unison running towards me. You know in movies when you see two, well in this case tree people running towards each other in slow motion and hug after not seeing each other for a long time. Well this was one of those moments. We stayed hugging for another 5 minutes. then we separated.

"What are you guys doing here?"

"Harry invited us." said Caitlin pointing over at his direction. "He wanted to surprise you." He was looking down shyly with his hands in his pockets. I walk up to him and give him a hug. He hesitated at first but then hugs back. I breathed in and I smelled his cologne. God how I miss him. I sighed and hugged him tighter. "Thank you" I whisper in his ear and kissed his cheek at i pulled back. I look at his face and see he had a tint of pink on his cheeks. Awe that's adorable! He smiled in return and i turned back to my friends.

"So should we leave?" I asked. Everyone nodded and we all left and piled into the car once again. I was messing around with Caitlin and Carolina the car the whole ride home. It's times like these that I realize that I really do need my friends.

-Harry's POV-

She hugged me and actually kissed my cheek. It's working already!


Hey guys, I know I haven't updated in a long time I'm sorry but I'm also starting a new story called Forbidden Love. It's a student/teacher story. I will be up loading it soon. I hope you enjoy it. Thanks guys! xxx

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