Chapter 1.

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Hello!! So this is my first book, sorry if its bad. I hope you like it. Please comment :)xx


* Darcy's POV*

"Honey wake up!" I heard my dad yelling.

"5 more minutes!" I rolled over and dug my face into my pillow.

"Fine but if I get up there and your still not awake, your going to get it!".

I groaned into my pillow. I am not looking forward to today. Why? You ask, well the main reason is because we are going to eat at the Tomlinson's. Which means I have to see Louis. Me and Louis used to be like brother and sister. We would hang out all the time, but then one day he told me something.....something I will never forget. He told me that he loved me, as in more than a friend. I was happy, I was, because I loved him two. I thought that since we admitted we loved each other we could be together but oh was I wrong. The next day, I went to his house to hangout with him but he wasn't there. His mom told me that he went to audition for the Xfactor. That was the last I heard of him since. So you can see why I'm angry.

" Darcy Elizabeth McQueeney, you better be out of that bed!". Yelled my dad while walking into my room. " Darcy! What did I say? Get you lazy ass out of bed now! We have to be at the Tomlinson's in an hour".

" I have to go?" I groaned

"Yes, you do. C'mon honey aren't you happy to be going? You get to see Louis again."

I haven't told my dad what happened between me and Louis. I haven't told anyone actually. All they know is that me and Louis lost touch with each other.

" I guess" I lied.

" Great. Then c'mon get ready, we don't want to be late." He said as he walked out of the room.

I got out of bed and hopped into the shower. When I was finished I put on a pair on denim shorts, a white and blue striped flowy shirt that shows part of my stomach and red TOMS. I'm not a huge fan of make-up so I just put on a light layer of blush and added some mascara. I left my brown curly hair natural. I grabbed my phone and headed down stairs.

" You ready honey?"

" I guess so." I replied. We got into the car and drove down the oh so familiar street. When we got to their house I saw Jay standing at the door with Lottie, Fizzy, Phoebe, Daisy, Georgia and Louis.

" Daniel, its so nice to see you again". said Jay to my dad.

" Its great to see you two Jay."

I got out of the car telling myself that everything was going to be fine.

" DARCY!" screamed Phoebe, Daisy, Georgia, Fizzy and Lottie while running up to hug me.

" Hey, girls. I've missed you." And I actually did miss them. Since me and Louis stopped talking, I stopped coming over and hanging out with the girls.

" We've missed you two!" They shouted. I let go of the hug and greeted Jay. We started to talk about how I haven't been here in forever, when Louis called my name. I turned around which I regretted after wards because my eyes fell instantly on his. Looking into those blue eyes reminded me of how we were before he left.

" Darcy! How have you been? I've missed you" he said while hugging me.

"Hey Louis. Good" I lied.  "How have you been?" I tried to look away from his eyes but I couldn't seem to. It was like I was in some sort of  a trans.

" Good......listen Darcy........ we have to talk." he looked at me with pleading eyes.

" Um...Sure." I said. I followed him into the house. This is exactly what I didn't want to talk about. Please god lets this go smoothly I prayed to myself.


Sorry if it short:/ I will get better dont worry. Please comment below on what you think so far. Thankss xx

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