Chapter 16.

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-Harry's POV-

When I got up off the couch and excused myself she looked so pained. As if she was didn't want me to go, but I knew that I had to. I couldn't just sit there knowing that I couldn't have her and plus it was too awkward between us. I just hope that it doesn't stay this way. I sighed. Why did everything have to change? I wish I could go time and relive everything. I miss her. I really do.

-Zayn's POV-

"Hey Zayn, why don't you go put Darcy in bed."

I looked down and noticed that she was indeed sleeping on me. I nodded my head at Liam and did as he said. I put one arm under her knees and my other under her neck, carrying her bridal style. I walked up to the rooms and set Darcy down of the bed. I covered her with the blankets and kissed her forehead. I took one last look at her and sighed. She looks so vulnerable, so lost. I feel terrible. No one should be going though what her and Harry are going through. Speaking of Harry where is he? I haven't seen him all day. I walked out of the room closing the door behind me. I decided to go check on Harry to make sure he was okay. I knocked on his door and walked in.

"Hey Hazz. You okay?" He looked up and sighed.

"Hey Zayn" He took a breath. "Yeah, I'm just thinking."

"What about?" He looked up at me. I don't want to force him into say it. "You don't have to tell me. I was just wondering."

"No its fine. I was just thinking about Darcy." When he mentioned Darcy's name, I saw a glimmer in his eyes. I knew it. I started smiling and Harry looked at me weirdly.

"What" he questioned.

"You still like Darcy don't you?" I asked hoping to get the answer I was looking for. But I got something else.

"No." He shook his head. "I still love her." I smiled even bigger. Just then an idea popped into my head. My smile turned into a smirk and I looked at Harry.

"I have an idea."

-Harry's POV-

After Zayn told me his plan I couldn't help but smile. The plan might actually work and I might get my love back.

"So do you know what to do?" Zayn asked. I nodded my head and smiled.

"Great. Now just go along with what I told you, and everything should be good." he smiled and walked out of my room. Just as he was about to close the door I said "Thanks Zayn. Really." He smiled and closed the door. I turned around and open my computer. I smiled almost amidiatly. There as my background was a picture of Darcy and I, the day we officially became a couple when we went to visit Eleanor at the hospital. Speaking of El, she finally got her neckbrace off and her leg cast. I don't know how she got her leg cast off already if they said it was broken but who am I to argue against a doctors word. I opend up my emails and typed the plan. I signed it from Harry and Zayn and sent it. Hopefully they will agree. I shut my laptop and fell back on my bed. I looked to the side and saw that the clock read 6:15. I decided to go take a shower and get ready for dinner. Niall, Zayn and Liam invited their girlfriends to eat dinner with us so we could get to know them. We met Mish already and she was really nice and sweet. I can see why Zayn likes her so much. I walked to the bathroom with my cloths for the night in one hand and a towel in the other. After I did my thing I took a look in the mirror and for the first time since me and Darcy broke up I actually looked decent. I'm wearing a light blue t-shirt, black skinny jeans and black converse. My hair is actually styled. I look good. I flipped my hair one more time and headed towards the livingroom. I saw that everyone was already seated. Woops! Didnt mean to be late. Well lets get this show on the road. I put on a smile and joined in on the conversation and sat down.

-Niall's POV-

She's comming! She's comming! She's on her way up right now! Ahh I can't wait to see her. I havn't seen Harper in over a month. Who is she you ask. Well she's my wonderfull girlfriend. We've been going out for about 3 months. She's loud, crazy, wild, caring, sweet. I just love her. When we first met she was really shy. Which made her twenty times more adorable. The boys havn't met her yet. I really hope they like her. That would be amazing.

*knock knock knock*

SHE'S HERE! I took one quick look at myself in the mirror fixing my hair. I ran towards the door as fast as I could and swung the door open. I froze when I saw her. She was wearing a white lace shirt with matching boots, light blue skinny jeans and her medium length wavy brown hair thats falling perfectly on her sholders is pushed back with a cute bow. She looked breathtakingly beautiful. I smiled brightly and brought her into my arms. I held her tight and she held onto me with just ask much force.

"I missed you" I whispered.

"I missed you too. So much." she whisperd back. I backed up a little bit and looked in her eyes. God I missed looking into these blue orbs. I leaned in and kissed her lips gently.

"Awee! That is so cute!" Some one squeeled from behind us. We turn around and I see Louis and Eleanor smiling at us. I roll my eyes and whisper to Harper. "Come on. Time to intoduce you to everyone" I kissed her temple and walked with her towards the livingroom. I noticed her nervously fiddling her thumbs. I held her closer to my side to let her know that it was okay.  

"Hi! My names Louis and this is my girlfriend Eleanor." He said shaking her hand.

"Hello! Nice to meet you and wow! You're very pretty" she gushed towards El.

"Awe thanks sweety. You're gorgeous yourself." Harper smiled towards the ground and murmmerd a quiet thank you with a tint of pink on her cheeks. I laughed lightly and kissed her cheek. She's too cute.

"Hey, I'm Zayn and this is my girlfriend Mish" He introduced themselfs.

"Hi, nice to meet you" She waved.

"I'm Liam and this is my girlfriend Isabella." He smiled sweetly. "You can call me Bella" said Liams girlfriend. She's tall with redish/purpleish wavy hair. She's wearing ripped black skinny jeans, a red t-shirt with a black leather jacket and black converse. Kinda seems like Zayns style. I met Bella earlier and she's really nice. She will fit in perfectly with all of us.

"Hi, nice to meet you Liam and Bella"

"I'm Darcy"

"Oh so you're the famous Darcy! Its great to meet you" Smiled Harper. Darcy laughed and shook her head. "I guess I am" She smiled and we all sat down and started talking. After 10 minutes or so Harry walked down.

"Hi I'm Harry!" He introduced himself.

"Hi I'm Isabella, but you can call me Bella" She smiled.

"I'm Harper. You must be Darcy's boyfriend." We all froze and looked at Harper.

"What?" she asked innocently.


Hey guys! Sorry its not too long! I will update again tomorrow! Thank you all SO much for getting me to over 2,000 reads on my story. It means a lot. Please vote and comment!  

P.S. @1DForever12498 and @_Walking_Travesty_ I hope you girls like how I added you into the story!:) Tell me what you think!:)

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