Chapter 2.

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Hello! so here it is, the second chapter:) I hope you enjoy. Don't forget to comment. Thanks xx 


* Louis' POV* 

* “ Darcy please listen to me. I’m sorry!” I cried out. 

“ No Louis! You hurt me! Do…..Do you even know what its like to have someone tell you they love you, then leave the next day without saying a word?” she screamed. 

“ Darc-” 

“ I hate you Louis Tomlinson! Just stay away from me!” Darcy ran off crying. I slid down on the wall and tucked my knees into my chest and let my tears fall. * 

I woke up sweating and tears running down my face. Ever since I found out that Darcy and her dad Daniel were coming over today, I’ve been having nightmares about what might happen. 

“ Louis!! Wake up!!” said Lottie banging on my door.

“ Ugh! Fine. I’m up!” I groaned. I went to take a shower and get ready.

- 3 hours later- 

I saw a silver Nissan pull up my drive way and Darcy’s dad Daniel stepped out. 

“ Daniel its so nice to see you again”. said my mom. 

“ Its great to see you two Jay.”

I saw Darcy step out of the car. My sisters all ran up to her and hugged her. To tell you the truth I’m nervous as hell. I don’t want her to hate me but after what I did, I’m pretty sure she wants nothing to do with me. Darcy and my mom were talking about how she hasn’t been here in a long time.

“ Darcy!” I said. She turned around and my eyes instantly fell on hers. Looking into her beautiful green eyes I could see something…….pain. The pain that I caused. 

“ Darcy! How have you been?” I asked giving her a hug, even though I already knew the answer.

“Hey Louis. Good. How have you been?” She said. Her voice a little shaky. 

“ Good……listen Darcy....we need to talk.”  I said with more of a pleading voice. 

“ Um…Sure.” She hesitated at first but then followed me into the house.

We were sitting in the game room while my mom, sisters and Daniel were in the living room talking and catching up. You could practically feel the awkwardness in the air. 

“ So……” she said 

I went to open my mouth but nothing would come out. 

“ Why did you lie?” She said firmly. 

I was confused. “ Lie about what?” 

“ About loving me”. She said in a hushed tone. 

“ I didn’t lie Darcy. I did love you, you were my best friend. I-”

“ No Louis, you didn’t, if you loved me you wouldn’t have left. If I was your ‘best friend,’ you would have told me about the Xfactor. Do you even know how it feels to have a so called ‘best friend’ do that to you?” She yelled at me with tears in her eyes, on ther verge of crying. 

I felt my eyes stinging. “ Darcy, I’m sorry. I did love you, I did. I wanted to be with you but I-”

“ No Louis, you didn’t, I know you didn’t.”  She said forcefully. Drying the tears that were falling down her cheek.

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