Chapter 17.

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-Darcy's POV-

I'm not going to lie when she said I was Harry's girlfriend, it created a very awkward silence. I looked around the room and everyone was staring at her. I looked at Harry and I saw him looking down biting his lip. Ugh, those lips! I miss them so much. I just want to go up to him and- wait a minute, what the hell am I saying!?! I'm suppose to be trying to get over him. Bad Darcy. Bad, bad.

"Actually, Harry and I aren't going out. We broke while ago." I said, breaking the silence. She looked between Harry and I with a shocked face.

"Oh my god! I am so sorry. I didn't know! Oh god, I probably just made this really awkward for you guys didn't I? Ugh! I am really sorry, like really sorry." While she was ranting on I couldn't help but laugh. I looked over at Harry and noticed he was laughing as well.

'Its fine really. You didn't make anything awkward right Darcy?" I look up surprised. Harry is actually talking to me? Is this a dream or what? I thought he didn't want to talk to me? Ugh stop ranting on and answer Harry's question he still looking at you. I smile and said "Yeah its fine. We're fine. Everything is fine.." I trailed off. Gosh why am I like this? Just act cool Darcy breath. I look up and see Harry looking at me. Our eyes met far a second. I looked away quickly and tried my best to ignore him.

" guys ready to eat?" I asked.



"FINALLY" Oh Niall. We all went to the dinning room and sat down. It was Zayn at the end, Mish next to him then Niall, Harper, Bella and Liam at the end. Then it was El next to Liam and across from Bella, then Louis, me and shocker...Harry. We all started to eat. During dinner I kept peaking to the side and noticed Harry looking at me. When he noticed that I saw he quickly turned his head back and kept eating. Once we were finished with dinner I decided to go help with dessert. Zayn and I went to go get it while the rest stayed and chatted.

"So Darc, feeling better?" he asked taking out the ice cream while I took out the bowls.

"Yeah I am. I decided to try to get over Harry."

"What why!?" he asked looking over at me with a shocked expression.

"Because, I don't want to be that person waiting around for a guy. If Harry doesn't want to be with me then I have to move on."

"Don't you remember what I told you? You can't give up. Harry can still change."

"Yeah but what if that doesn't happen?"

"You sure about this? Harry can still change?"

"Yeah I am. I can't keep waiting around. And if Harry does change then only time will tell what happens." I said. I grabbed the bowls that we were putting the ice cream in and fudge on and brought it to the table. I gave to to Lou, El, Mish, Liam and one for myself. Zayn brought all the rest. As I was going to sit down, I didn't notice the chair was pulled back and I fell down on my but with a 'umpf'. Harry was quick to kneel by my side.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" he questioned. I shook my head and said I was fine. He helped me up and onto the chair. I turn to the side to see Louis laughing hysterical.

"It wasn't that funny" I stated.

"Oh but it was." He laughed some more and I hit his arm.

"Ouch, I'm sorry." he defended. I smiled please and kept on eating. I turn to the side quickly and poke Harry's side. He looks at me questioningly. "Thanks" I said. He smiled and nodded his head. I turned back to my food and finished up my ice cream. I was so into eating that I didn't even notice that everyone was gone except for Harry.

"Where did everyone go?" I questioned.

"They all went to go watch a movie in the living room. But I didn't want to leave you alone so I stayed." he said.

"What? And they left me here. Ugh! They are so mean. Thank you for staying here at least."

"Its fine." he said looking down. Awe that's cute he's blushing. Wait what!? Blushing? I shook my head adverting my mind from the thought.

"So do you want to head to the living room and watch the movie with them?"

"Yeah sure, let me just put this in the kitchen."

"Oh no, I got it." said Harry grabbing my bowl. I smiled and thanked him.

"I will meet you in the living room" I said.

"Okay" I walked into the living room and froze.

"Oh I see how it is. First you leave me all alone. Then you come and watch MY FAVORITE MOVIE!?!? You guys are so mean!" I huff. Everyone looks at me apologetically.

"You guys are lucky Harry was there and I wasn't alone. Or I wouldn't have forgiven you so easily." Just as I said that, Harry walked in.

"Yeah, you guys should thank me." he said sitting down next to Zayn. They started whispering something, according to the look on their faces its not that good of a conversation. I sit down next to Harper and enjoy my movie. You can never get tired of watching The Fast and The Furious.

-Harry's POV-

I sat down next to Zayn a he gave me a weird look. I lift my eyebrow at him and he leans in and whispers.

"Dude, we have a problem"

"What's up?"

"Darcy thinks you don't care about her anymore"

"What?.... well at least after we follow the plan-"

"No, she is starting to get over you" Wait what did he say?

"Wait hold up...say that again."

"You heard me, she is starting to get over you because she thinks there is no point." No, no, no, no this can't be!

"But the plan we-"

"We have to do it quick did you email them? What did they say?" Zayn asked.

"They agreed but can only be here in two weeks or so."

"Well you have to change it to two days or so because you don't have that much time." Ugh! How am I going to do this. They agreed but they can't come yet and I have to prove to Darcy I still care about her and quick. Ugh! This is gonna be hard.


Hey guys! Thank you all so much for reading. I hope you all enjoyed. Please vote and comment what you think! :)

Everything Changed (One Direction FanFic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon