Chapter 19.

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-Darcy's POV-

Once we got home I showed the girls around. i decided that they will stay with me because I didn't want them to go to a hotel. That's pointless. The guys went out for a rehearsal so we have the house to our selfs.

"Okay spill" Caitlin asked, walking into the living room with a turkey sandwich. I look up at her and smile.

"You have to wait till Carolina gets here" she huffed but agreed.

"I'm here"

"It's about time. you took forever!" Caitlin whined. Carolina just rolled her eyes. We got comfortable on the couch and I told them what happened. Once I finished they looked speechless.

"Oh wow umm I don't know what to say. Do you still you know, like Harry? Like really like him?" Caitlin spoke up.

"Honestly I do really like him. I love him actually but the other day I kind of wrote something and its not about him."

Carolina looked at me questioningly. " what do you mean?"

"The other day I started to write something and I don't know who it's about, it's meaningful and I'm pretty sure it came from the heart."

"How can you write something from the heart and not know who it's about?"

"I don't know, it's just ughh it's hard to explain."

"Well, can we read it?" Asked Caitlin.

"Yeah ill go get it." I walked up to my room and grabbed my diary. Yes I still have one, don't judge me. Once I got back I handed it to Caitlin and she started to read it out loud.

"Its funny how one day everything is fine. Then in a blink of an eye it's all gone. Like it never even happened. Makes you miss him more then you know. No matter how much you try to get over him you can't. Like gravity pulling you in to a black hole. You know you can't get out, yet you try and try and fail over and over again. Pointless. It's all pointless. You both know nothing can happen but you dream. You dream that one day it will come true but you know it won't. What's the point? It won't lead anywhere. Him. He's the point. You'll do anything just to say hi. Just to have him talk to you. You've never had anyone in your life like him. You love him. He's special. You should let go but you can't. Everyday. Everyday you think of what to do. Everyday you love and regret but it's reality. It's not a dream. You try over again to make it real but you can't. So what do you do? Cry. You cry at night because of him. He's the reason you're happy. He's the reason you stay up late talking about anything and everything. You love him. You really do. But her. He belongs to her and you can't do anything to change it. You don't compare to her and never will. You think about what they say to each other and what do you feel? Pain. And all you can do is cry. You cry some more because you hate reality. You hate the fact that you're nothing and you always will be nothing. To him you're a friend a pal but nothing more. Pain. That's what you feel. Pain everyday. You wish it will all pass but it won't. You know it's wrong. Very wrong. But what else should you do? When you get a text and smile because you know it's him. When you blush because he is the sweetest and kindest guy. You get butterflies in your tummy when he says something. The words. The words he says makes you feel like you're on top of the world. Like you can fly. Like nothing else matters. But something does. Her. Him and her. You're making it worse. For them and yourself. While you're happy, they're not. You can't change it. You have to let go but you can't. You physically can't. It hurts too much. After all this, it hurts. You don't want him to feel bad and you don't want to change anything. You would rather just be his friend then not at all. You'd do anything just to talk to him one more day. One more second. That's all you would need. You don't want him to hate you. You really don't. Sorry. You're so sorry because you know you just changed everything. What he thinks of you. Everything. But in life you have to take chances. So you did. The outcome? You don't know. " Caitlin finished reading and looked at Carolina. They shared the same look.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2014 ⏰

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