Chapter 3.

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Hello!! So I had a pretty tough time writing this chapter. Stupid writers block. But i hope you like it:) xx ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

*Darcy’s POV* 

“ Hey, no fair! You cheated!” shouted Fizzy. 

“ How can you even cheat in this game? Its impossible.” Louis argued. 

I came over Louis’s house to hang out with his sisters. We were in the middle of playing Just Dance 4, when Louis intruded and begged us to let him play. In my opinion Louis was cheating some how because that kid wins every time and he doesn’t even dance it right.

“ Okay I think that’s enough dancing for today.” said Georgia. Everyone started awing. 

“ Yeah I think she’s right. I have to go home and pack for tomorrow anyways.” I said. I picked up my stuff and started heading towards the door. 

“ See you guys tomorrow! Bye!” 

“Bye!” they all screamed back. 

I got in my NEW Silver Mini Cooper. Yup that’s right. NEW. My dad decided since I was going to be alone with out him having to drive me everywhere I would need a car. I love it to death! Its my little baby. I got home and started packing the rest of my things. Once I was finished I got a text from Louis. 

-Text Convo- 

‘ Hey babe:) can’t wait for tomorrow. The boys are really excited to see you;) - Louis xx ’ 

‘ Hey:) me either, I finally get to leave this hell hole haha. I’m looking forward to meeting them two! - Darcy xx’ 

‘ Haha your house isn’t that bad. - Louis xx’ 

‘ That’s what you think! Try spending the day here…..with my dad. Trust me, you will get bored out of your mind. That’s why I’m always at your house :P - Darcy xx’ 

‘ Haha I have been there. And admit it you only come to my house to see my loveable face;) - Louis xx’ 

‘ Yeah, 2 years ago! Haha you keep thinking that Lou. Well I have to go, I’m super tiered, see you tomorrow:) bye. - Darcy xx’  

‘ Yeah Yeah, whatever. Oh I will;) and alright, see you tomorrow babe, bye:). - Louis xx

Since that night I went to eat at the Tomlinson‘s with my dad, Louis has been super sweet. He tries to hang out with me everyday, he texts me all the time and the other day when I got home I saw him sitting outside my door with flowers. We went to an amusement park that day. I have to admit it was one of the best days of my life. And I got to celebrate it with my best friends. Yes, I called him my best friend. I decided to forgive him. I could be angry with him all I want but I can  never stay mad at him he’s just….him. Haha. 

I was sleeping heavenly until I heard a bunch of shuffling in my room. Then I heard a guitar and singing. 

“ Its time to get up, in the morning.”

 “ In the morning.” 

“Got McDonalds breakfast for you.”

“Just for you, or any other brand.” 

“we drove 2 miles just to get it.”

“So you better get up and eat it.” I was enjoying the song it was somewhat relaxing.

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