Chapter thirty-three: Exams

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Chapter thirty-three: Percy

So it turns out that the teachers were hanging out in the Hospital Wing, cause Apollo told them they couldn't interfere or whatever.

It also turns out just because your an ADHD demigod with dyslexia, does not mean you don't have to take the exams.

It just means they change everything from English to Greek/Roman for you.

"The quills in your hand have been charmed with an anti-cheating spell, which means if you cheat, we will know." Professor Misako said, handing out the exams.

"Now, I do not expect all of you to finish this in one day. However, you do have two hours." She placed a Greek copy of the test on my desk.

"You may began." I looked down at the test.

Name: Percy (Perseus) Jackson Date: dunno..May something?

Question one: What is the difference in the elements for The Four Nations and Ninjago?

I thought for a moment. Um........something about lighting?

Question two: The Dark Island remained a myth until what happened?

Something to do with Lord Garmadon right?

Question three: Avatar Ruko and The Firelord were friends until the Firelord wanted to do what with his nation?

Um.....I have no idea.

I looked around the room. Some kids were flying by this while others looked at stumped as I felt. I swear we never learned any of this in class!


I walked into DADA, sword in my hand. It felt good to finally be able to have my sword with me, and not wonder if some random person was using it in Gym class or something.

When I walked in, Chiron was standing, smiling.

"Today, will be a sparing exam day. Each of you are paired with a different person, and the winner will spar the next winner. You will graded not on who wins, but how you win. This will also count as your Battle Strategy grade."

Seems easy enough. Plus we get one grade for two classes.

That seems fair.


Potions. One of the most unfair classes if your a Gryffindor. If you anyone really, seen as how no one here was a Slytherin.

Our task was to make a forgetfulness potion. Knowing Ronald, he probably forgot the ingredients. I, however didn't.

And unlike Ronald, I was excited for the exams. Not counting Gym, Battle Strategy, and Doctor Strange's exam.

I hope he's not with us next year. Doctor Strange I mean. I only partly see how his lessons will help us.

Peter Parker

Gym class. My least favorite class.

But at least I got to use my powers.

We basically had to run a standard course and not fall off anything or take too long.

Sorta like Wipeout, only not as fun.

Lucky for me, I can stick to walls. Which meant I rarely fell off anything.

There was that jerky dude who shoved me off something, but I remembered to refill my webshooters this morning.

There's a first time for everything right?


The Professor didn't really have an exam so to speak. He more just wanted to see how much we had learned over the course of the year. He said he'd give us an A if we were trying our hardest.

So I think everyone got an A.


Science. My favorite class.

Our exam was a written one, and we had to answer the questions based on what we had learn.

You know, like most written exams.

The questions were fairly easy if you ask me........

So it was probably hard for other students.......

Leo (Valdez)

Tech lab!!

We had two hours make something that would blow Tony away. So I spent 3o minutes thinking, and the rest of the time making it.

What did I make you ask?

A life size model of the Iron Man suit.

Am I sucking up? Yes, I am.

But be honest. Wouldn't you?


Care of Magical creatures. We had to remember how to properly groom a Pegasus.

Why would I need to know that?! Why?!

A dragon, I would get. I mean, there are dragons in Ninjago.

Horses with wings?

Sorry, no.

I don't need to know that!!

So....I probably failed. Or most likely failed.

I failed with this chapter.......

Sorry guys.... :(

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