Chapter nineteen: Interviews

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Note: Harley and Lucy are eleven, not eight. ;)
Chapter nineteen: Lucy Pevenise

I sat bored at the lunch table, looking around. Susan was talking to someone, Peter was talking to one of his roommates (Danny) and Edmund was mad at me for no reason!!

"What I do to you?!" He glared at me.

"You know very well what you did!!" I huffed in annoyance and stormed off, leaving my lunch tray behind. I wasn't hungry anyways.

I wish Mr. Tumnus was here. Then I would have someone to talk to. Aslan is always busy or never around so I can't talk to him.

I sighed and walked out the lunch room, ignoring whoever was calling my name.

"Lucy!! Lucy!! Lucy! Lucy!!" I spun around.

"What?!" Harley's eyes widened in shock. I gasped.

"I'm so so so sorry Harley!! I didn't know it was you!! I thought...well I had gotten into a fight with, oh I'm so so so sorry-.' Harley laughed.

"It's fine Lucy, I get it. You had a fight with Edmund." I frowned.

"How did you know?" Harley shrugged.

"You never fight with Peter, and you and Susan always make up. That leaves Edmund. Oh, and I was at the table next to yours." I giggled at the last part.

"Um...anyway....I you something." I smiled.

"Really? Oh Harley, you shouldn't have!"

"Well, as the Queen of Asgard-." I giggled.

"It's Narnia."

"Oh! Right, sorry. Well, anyway, as the Queen of Narnia, I figure every Queen needs a crown or-."

"You made me a crown?!" (Look at the tiara in picture) Harley nodded.

"Yea. I hope you like it." He held it out. I smiled and bowed, letting him place it on my head.

"Eh em." Harley and I jumped at the sound of Professor Umbrigde's voice.

"Do any of you know where Lucy Pevenise is?" I gulped.

"That's me." She looked at me a forced a smile.

"Would you come with me dearie?" I looked at Harley and slowly nodded.

"Come along." She started walking and I looked at Harley nervously. He gave me a thumbs up and nodded.

"Good Luck." He mouthed. I smiled and followed Umbrigde.

"Um...excuse me? Where are we going?"

"To my office dear. Just a little evaluation." I swallowed. I think I'd rather be trapped in the White Witches forest then be trapped in an office with her. I saw what she did to poor Sensei Wu and Garmadon. It wasn't fair.

"Right this way." Umbrigde pushed open a door. Where as she was scary, her office was fairly pretty. Through there was a lot of pictures of cats.......

"Please, take a seat." I sat down in one of the pink chairs behind the desk, while she sat in front of me. One of the cats in the picture meowed.

"Those are wizards pictures!!" I exclaimed excitedly. Umbrigde nodded.

"Of course. Now, do you want anything to eat? Drink?" I shook my head.

"No thank you. I just had lunch." That, and I still wasn't hungry. I had quite a big breakfast.

"Are you sure?" I nodded.

"I'm quite sure." She forced a smile.

"Now, it is my understanding that your name is Queen Lucy Pevenise, the Valiant?" I nodded.

"That is the title Aslan gave me. Susan is the gentle, through I think she can be pretty mean sometimes, and Edmund is the just, which I think stands for justice, while Peter is the magnificent." Umbrigde wrote while I talked. I wonder what she was writing.....?

"And, would you say your siblings use their...royal blood to get what they want?" I shook my head quickly.

"Of course not!! Peter gets mad if someone calls him your majesty, which has happened before. Susan doesn't like being called Queen and Edmund doesn't like the title King either."

"And what about you?" I shook my head.

"I don't like being treated differently, however if the person is just teasing or a friend, I don't mind it."

"Mhm, and how do you feel, being so young and at a "High school"? Does it bother you?" I shook my head quickly, adjusting my tiara gently.

"I'm only eleven so I'm not that young and it doesn't bother me at all. Harley is my age and we make it through the day fine."

"Do the other children scare you? Like, for example, the heroes in masks or the mutants?" I think she still thinks I'm eight.

"No. Well, sometimes, but they understand. Hank McCoy sometimes gives me a piggy back to class. Through its only sometimes. And Sam Wilson, if I'm really late, with bring out his falcon wings and fly me there so I'm not late. Their all super nice." Umbrigde scribbled something down.

"Lucy, who is your least favorite teacher in the school?" I fiddle with the potion Santa gave me in Narnia. I always keep on my belt, along with my dagger.

"I don't have one." Umbrigde looked up from her clipboard.

"And why is that?" I swallowed nervously.

"Because I like each teacher for a different reason."

"Can you give me a few suggestions?"

"Well, Professor Misako will help me if I don't understand something the other students do."

"And your saying the other teachers won't?"

"No, but History is a hard thing to learn, especially when there's so much of it. And I like Tony's class because he's really funny and makes jokes."

"Is that all he does?"

"No, he teaches too, and he also helps me if I make something blow up or go wrong. And Sensei Wu and Sensei Garmadon sometimes argue on the best strategy, so it makes the class interesting." Umbrigde scribbled something else down.

"Now Lucy, how do you feel about the wizardly world?" I frowned.

"I think it's a very nice place."

"Would you and your siblings.....ever think of......overthrowing the other worlds?" I gasped.

"Of course not!! Peter, Susan, Edmund and I want to bring peace throughout Narnia. How can we do that if we're too busy-." A knock on the door interrupted me.

Umbrigde forced a smile and opened the door.

"Mr. Pevenise. What are you doing here?"

"I'm looking for my sister Lucy. Have you seen her?" I ran over.

"Peter!!" He smiled and hugged me.

"Lucy! There you are!! Your going to be late for class, now come on!!" He tugged me away and I followed.

Once out of ear shot, Peter kneeled down and looked me in the eye.

"What did she ask you?"

Sorry it's short.

Next up, the First Degree ever in Hero High History.

And what do you guys think of Lucy and Harley?

For those of you who don't know Sam Wilson is the Falcon. I'm basing him off the Avengers Assemble series (the one on Disney XD) so, he's only 17, not some guy who's about Cap's age when he decided to freeze himself.

Also, the picture of the office is Umbrigde's office in the last HP movie, so it's not her Hogwarts office.

Anyway, Vote, comment tell me what you think.

Peace and love heroes!! :)

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