SHS- Leo Valdez and the Guidance Counselor

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SHS= School for Heroes short

(Tea in short is not real tea. Do not kill me tea drinkers)


Leo Valdez was finally sent to the place he dreaded going.

The Guidance Counselors office.

At first, Leo didn't think a school for heroes needed one, and he didn't think it had one. That was, until he was sent to it.

It was Coach Hedge who had brought Leo there and the son of Hephaestus was surprised he could hate Coach Hedge anymore.

"In ya go cupcake. And don't come out till your fixed." Coach slammed the door leaving Leo in the empty room.

The room was neat, and a few feet in front of him was a desk. Behind the desk was a symbol, that Leo didn't know. Maybe Annabeth did.

On the wall to the left of Leo, was a different symbol. The one was red, while the other was green. It was the only red thing in the room. The rug was green too.

"Welcome to my office. Tell me, what is your name?" Leo jumped, his head catching on fire.

"Holy Hephaestus's smelly underwear!! Dude, you scared me!!" The old man in front of Leo laughed.

"You are quite funny. Now, what is your name?" The man walked behind the desk and placed a pot on a coaster and sat down.

The man had a long beard (about as long as Sensei Wu's) and was wearing some sort of green dress. Or...something..Leo wasn't quite sure what it was.

"Leo McSizzle Man Valdez, son of Hephaestus, Supreme commander of the-." Before Leo could finish, the old man started laughing again.

"You are quite the comedian Mr. Valdez. Now, would you like some tea?" The old man poured some tea out of the pot and handed it to Leo. Leo took it, looking at it carefully.

"So, old dude. What's your name and what's in your tea?" The man chuckled.

"You remind me of a young man my nephew once faced in battle. And my home nation, I am called General Iroh. You, may call me Iroh." Leo nodded.

"Uh huh, uh huh, and what's in your tea?"

"Dragon Jade and blueberry, with a hint of honey for sweetness." Leo took a sip. Surprisingly, the tea was good.

"Not bad Iroh." Iroh smiled.

"It is good to meet someone my nephews age who actually enjoys my tea!!"

From that day forward, Leo made a point to go visit Iroh. He learned that the symbols on his wall were from two of the nations in his home dimension, the Fire Nation, were he was born, and the Earth Nation, were he wants to live.

Iroh also found out quite a lot about Leo. He learned that he was a fire user, and offered to teach him fire bending, on top of his lessons from Jonny Storm. Leo accepted.

Leo's friends had no idea where he was going, but one day they decided to follow him.

They found him drinking tea, with General Iroh.

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