Chapter thirty-two: Rebellion in DADA

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Chapter thirty-two: Jason

No way.

She did not.

"Unfortunately, yes." Danny said. I collapsed on my now pink bed. If it was purple, I wouldn't have minded. But nooooo, it had to be pink.

"What are we going to do? I mean, I know it's almost near the end of the school year, but someone could go any minute!!" Lloyd exclaimed. We all knew he was worried about his parents and uncle. But who could blame him?

"I agree. We need to do something." I sat up, getting an idea that made me feel like Percy.

"I have an idea." All three of my roommates looked at me.


"Do not waste your time on revenge. Those who hurt you will eventually face their own Karma." Danny said. Lloyd blinked.

"Does it count if we're the karma?" He asked. Danny thought for a moment.

"I...suppose if we stand together it'll work." Peter nodded.

"Right. So....what is your plan exactly?" I smirked.

"First, we need to get the students on board. Like a wise man once told me, stand together or fall alone Jason." Danny smiled.

"And we also need Umbrigde."

"Duh." Lloyd said. I grinned.

"May the fates be in her favor."

Third person~

It was the perfect plan.

All they need to do is get Umbrigde in the correct position.

Which just happened to be the Defense Against the Dark Arts room.

When Dolores Umbrigde walked into to her new classroom, she expected everything to go smoothly now that the half-breed was gone.

However, that was not the case.

"Good morning class." The class stayed silent. A majority of the class was either Wizards or Demigods, so they weren't really happy.

"Let's try that again. Good morning class."

"Good morning Professor Umbrigde." The students chorused, giving her dirty looks.

"Now, might I say how lovely it is to see all your smiling faces." No one was smiling.

"Now, the methods of your last teacher, that filthy half-breed-."

"You take that back!!" Will snapped. Umbrigde looked at him, shocked.

"Detention for talking back in class." Will growled.

"Chiron was a better teacher then you could ever be!" Fred and George grinned, getting their cue.

"How dare you! That filthy half-breed-." The twins pulled out instant darkness powder and winked at the Stolls. They threw it down and the room went black.



When the darkness faded, the children were gone.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Dolores demanded, running out of her classroom.

Outside, vines were slowly making they're way up the windows, blocking out the sunlight.

Umbrigde stormed off, looking for her students. But in every classroom she checked, there was no one.

To the left of her, a small firework went off. Then another one, to the right.

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