Note/ Chapter two: leaving and the team

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Okay, so, I'm editing some parts of their lives to fit the needs of my book.

1. The Beast (Hank/ Henry) , will still be a kid, not a full grown man. However, Professor X will still be in a wheel chair.

2. Any mutants from X-Men first class are in this book.

3. The golden trio (Harry, Ron, Hermione) just finished their 5th year at Hogwarts.

4. The Avengers will be there.

5. Order of the Phoenix will be there.

6. The people at the meetings in the first chapter will be the headmasters. There will be other teachers, and depending on the kid, will depend on what classes they will take.

7. I'm going to introduce you to the teams (like the friends and what not.) even if you already know who they are, well, here's a refresher.

8.If you want me to add any characters (heroes) please let me know.

9. If you have any questions, please let me know.

Now, on with the story!
Chapter two
Spidey (of S.H.I.E.L.D)

The best part of being in S.H.I.E.L.D? You don't have to wait in line, in a airport.

After I had given that letter to Aunt May, I packed up my stuff and swung back to the Helicarrier. (Get it? Swung?) anyway, my team didn't have to pack till later, cause they practically live there. Scratch that. They do live there.

"What took ya so long Web Head?!" I rolled my eyes.

"Well, it's not my fault Fury parked the Helicarrier so far from my house Bucket Head." I replied.

"Well maybe you shouldn't live so far away!" I sighed.

"Okay, two things. 1. You need to work on your insults. And 2. Like it's my fault I live so far away."

I suppose I should introduce you to my team. First off, there's me. The team leader, (Much to Novas dislike). Spiderman. Or Peter Parker, depending on who you ask. Also web head. (Much to MY dislike.)

Then, there's Nova. Sam. Bucket heads powers come from his helmet. Hence, his nickname. The other part of his nickname is that he has no idea how far his powers can go, let alone how to use them. Yep. A real Bucket Head.

Then there's Power Man. Or Luke Cage. Luke is literally impenetrable. He's like the Hulk just less green and less angry. Most of the time anyway. So, if we get hurt during training, it may or may not have something to do with him.

Next, is Danny Rand. The one and only, head of Rand Corporations. Also known as Iron Fist. He's pretty laid back, but when he powers up, he takes his power VERY seriously. More than the rest of us boys do, anyway.

And last but not least, the only girl, is Ava. White tiger. My only advice, is watch out for her claws. Not kidding. As a skilled acrobatic, with a feline sense, her claws could come swinging at you at any moment.

Well, that's my team. Oh yea, and there's Nick Fury too, but he's more of our boss, than our teammate.


"Yea Nick?"

"Here's your school stuff. I want you to go through it, and look at who your roommates will be. Now hop to it!" Fury handed me some stuff.

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