SHS- Flame on

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Characters- Leo Valdez and Jonny Storm

Leo Valdez had a list of favorite heroes. Iron Man, Iron Man, Human Torch, Hulk, Iron Man, Spiderman, Iron Man, Iron man, Iron Man. And most of them were at this school.

He did not, however, like the Human Torch anymore.

More commonly known as Jonny Storm, the Human Torch was (for some odd reason) put in charge of helping Leo control his fire. And so far, he was doing a terrible job. Not to mention Leo was wearing a flame resistant suit that was like wearing tights, and had a four on it.

"Have you ever flown? You know, with your fire?"

"Anyone ever mention how much you look like Steve Rogers?" Jonny gave Leo a pointed look. Where as he did like the kid, sometimes he wished Ben would run in, yell "it's clobbering time!" and clobber the kid.

"No. And that's not-."

"Well you do." Jonny sighed.

"Look, that Aang kid is getting lessons from Iroh now, so that means I get to teach all by myself."

"Do you even know how to teach?"

"No I do not. But that is not the point!!" When Aang was here, normally Leo and Jonny would just sit and "listen" to Aang ramble on about the Fire nation. Now that he wasn't here, Jonny actually had to train Leo.

"Now, I'm going to push you off a building and see what happens. See if you can fly. If you can't well...there's an 80% chance I'll catch you." Leo swallowed nervously. 80%? Even Percy was smart enough to know that 80% wasn't good. In this case anyway.

"Any questions?"

"Do I have to?"


Jonny Storm and Leo Valdez stood on top of the school. In the distance, they could see the flash of lighting coming from Storm, Jason and Thalia. Leo had a feeling he would much rather be there, then here.

"Now remember. When I push you, yell flame on." Jonny had already tested to see if yelling flame on would activate Leo's powers. Turns out it did.

Leo swallowed nervously.

"If I die....tell Percy I snuck into his room and ate his blue cookies, not Harry!!" Jonny gave Leo a weird look before pushing him off the side.

"AHHHHHHH!!" Leo screamed. He could see his life flashing before his eyes..........

And while that happened, Leo realized something unimportant.

He had almost died so many times from not paying attention.

"Ah Styx!!! Flame on!! Flame on!! Oh for Hephaestus's sake FLAME ON!!" Where as he did catch on fire, he wasn't flying. So Leo screamed.


Jonny, on the roof, looked down and saw how close Leo was to hitting the ground. He quickly jumped off.

"Flame on!!" The Human Torch took flight and nearly missed catching Leo by his ankle.

"You alright?" Leo's eyes were wide and he was panting.

"" Jonny landed frowning.

"Leo? Leo?" He waved his hand in front of his face.

"Life.....scarred....." Jonny sighed and started walking towards the Hospital Wing.

Where as the Professor started putting Leo and Jonny under a watchful eye, the two did learn something.

Just because you have fire powers, does not mean you can fly.

However, Jonny and Leo are still looking into it. Weirdly enough.

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