Chapter 2~•Buoyant Spirits

Start from the beginning

"I know what you are thinking Hera,but thinking doesn't settle the matters right".Eisha never seemed to mind when Hera's thoughts jumped around or if she lost her place in the middle of the conversations. It was easy for Hera to get lost in her own thoughts to the point that she even missed, what's going on around her.

"Sometimes I wish I was a boy then I'd had a free wheeling life".Eisha mused.

"Why would you say like that"?

"You know it very well".She replied,her gaze cutting through an ocean of lush green lawn.

"I can feel you but you see even boys are not immune from parental pressures and restrictions but due to the culture these often fall more heavily on the daughters of the family than the sons.People have mixed Islam with culture and it's the culture that they follow most of the time.On the contrary,Islam has raised the status of woman so high that it is said if everybody knew the true status of a Muslim woman in Islam, even the men would want to be a woman."

"Oh please,they are 'wondrous' as it is.I don't want them to infiltrate the womankind." Eisha laughed out loud at her own statement and the smile that Hera suppressed broke free, racing across her face like wildfire.


"Fahad,you still need to work hard.
Look at this problem,it's asking for the total cost of eight chocolates which means you need to do multiplication".Writing the numbers on the note book Hera asked the kid to do the calculations,who like an obedient child put the well worn notebook on his lap and started to run the numbers in his head.In the meanwhile Hera turned to attend the other student.

Tutoring the school kids was the recent thing that she had started. In order to give some financial help to her mother.Though it was very hard to convince her mother for this but at the end she allowed it,however she was not told the correct intention behind this.

Hera was blessed with a gift of working with kids and she enjoyed teaching students from kindergarten to kids of middle school.She was careful to charge very nominal fee and those kids that came from very poor background were tutored free of cost.She felt immense satisfaction in helping these kids with the school slumps.

"Khadija,add the circumferences of the two cirlcles first." Hera ultimately gave hint to the girl who was struggling with the same word problem from the past few minutes. The girl became panicky and yet again she solved it wrongly.

"Hey,good girl come here." Making the girl sit next to her,Hera put her arm around her shoulder and asked her politely,"This is the third test in a row that's come back with a C or a D. You're usually a B-plus student. Is there anything disturbing you that you'd like to tell me"?

"It doesn't matter how hard I study, I just can't seem to get the hang of geometry.I think others are right about me, i am dumb".Keeping her head down,the girl said tenderly with a sad look in her eyes.

"Who says that"?Hera drew khadija closer to her.

"My brother,he says it all the time". Erasing the curve on the paper,
khadijah stopped for a moment to look at Hera and then resumed to erase the circle.

Hera was inarticulate for a moment,She didn't know how to help the little girl with this.She decided to speak to her brother directly when he comes to pick her up.Though she never spoke to the male guardians of her students but since this had upset her a lot and it could even mar the personality of the girl so she decided to have a face to face conversation with khadija's brother.Soon after sometime,the front room was vacant except for khadija and one more girl.She was about to rise for the Maghrib salah when the name of khadija was called from outside. When she opened the door and saw that it was a young man may be in his early twenties. Troubled rose in her and she took a step back,struggling with her decision she finally decided to go ahead.

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