Chapter 52

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The next morning,Y/N packed her things and started to head out. She had a small cut on her face from where Grimmel had hit her the night before. Once all she needed was packed by the door,she headed towards the docks to where her boat was. After she threw everything on the boat,she turned back to go find Jordan and Winter to tell them thank you and goodbye. As she was heading to their hall,someone grabbed her arm. She immediately turned around to see Grimmel. "Grimmel. I'm leaving. Let me go now," Y/N said with an edge to her voice. She yanked her arm away from. "I may not have dragon killers anymore and I may not kill dragons any more,but I'll get you two back for nearly killing me," Grimmel said. Y/N turned to face him and looked at him funny. "Really Grimmel? Wanna play the "blame game" ok lets play. You and others kidnapped dragons. We rescue dragons. We use to ride dragons. You controlled them and use them against us and other Vikings. You tried to kill me,my brother,and my friends and family Grimmel. So, in other trims you had that coming. You deserved everything we did. You don't deserve to be here right now walking," Y/N said each time her voice turned into yelling. Grimmel was taking aback by her tone and just stood there.
"Now,if you excuse me,I have to find Winter and Jordan to say thank you and goodbye," Y/N said and walked into the hall. At one of the tables sat Jordan and Winter. "Hey guys. Just came to say thank you and I'm leaving. So,goodbye and hope to see you around," Y/N said. Winter got up and hugged her. "Thank you for everything," Winter said. "Don't worry about it. I knew them and they knew me," Y/N said. She nodded to Jordan and he nodded back. Y/N knew it was a long trip and couldn't wait to go home. But first,she would stop at New Berk and tell Hiccup what happened. Surely he was back by now.
After awhile,Y/N arrived at New Berk. "Aunt Y/N," to kids screamed.(yes I am aware that Nuffink and Zephyr would be older,but we don't know how they would look or act and etc so they are still kids here) "Hi Nuffink and Zephyr," Y/N said and picked both of them up. They hugged her tight. "Where is-," Y/N got cut off by seeing Hiccup and Astrid. Y/N put the kids down and ran and hugged Hiccup. He hugged her back just as tight. "What happened to your face," Hiccup asked as he pulled away. Astrid looked at it and said,"Looks like someone just slapped you Y/N." Y/N laughed nervously and said,"Well,you're not wrong Astrid. When I was on Rogue Island,I ran into Grimmel there. Let's say he it wasn't a friendly greeting." Hiccup was mad and it showed. "But it's fine. Never have to go back there or anything Hiccup," Y/N said and hugged him. "I just came by to tell you guys that. I'm going to head to Berserker Island now. I love you guys," Y/N said and grouped hugged Astrid and Hiccup. As she started to sail away,Astrid turned to Hiccup and said,"I guess she's lucky. Hiccup,she's fine."
Finally,Y/N returned to Berserker Island. She grabbed her things and made her way to the house. For it being almost night fall,it was silent on the island. Once she was at her house,she opened the door and dropped her things. She sighed,closed the door, and said,"Dagur! I'm home!" There was no reply. "Dagur?!," Y/N said. She looked around and saw that soup was spilled on the table and a cup was knocked over. She went and touch the spilled soup. It was warm. She grabbed her sword and made her way upstairs. She opened the first door to the spare room. No one was there. Then she made her way to the other spare room and looked inside. There was no one there. Last room was her and Dagur's room. You made yourself announced already by screaming,Y/N thought. Y/N opened the door to their room and saw Dagur tied and chained up to a chair. "Dagur," Y/N ran to him. She dropped her sword in attempt to help him. "Mmmhhhmmmm," Dagur said and was moving his eyes behind Y/N. Y/N saw someone coming with a sword and she grabbed hers and blocked theirs.
Y/N and the mysterious person were now clashing swords over and over again. "Maybe this explains why the island is dead quite. Who are," Y/N yelled as metal was hitting metal. Y/N stopped for a minute,but the person didn't. They kicked her the stomach,knocking her sword away,keeping one foot on her chest,and pointing their sword at her neck. "Sad really you don't remember me. The one who gave you everything you needed," the mystery person said. They used their free hand to remove their hood. Y/N gasped when she saw trader Johann under the hood. ","Y/N couldn't get words out. "Don't worry I had help to get here. You'll be shocked who it was," Johann said. There were footsteps coming from the hall. Viggo and Ryker stepped in. Y/N narrowed her eyes. Trying to figure out what was true now and what was a lie. "Everyone is locked in the hall,"Ryker said. "We're ready to head to New Berk whenever you're done here Johann," Viggo said. Viggo looked at Y/N. "You're so easy to fool. I am not your real father. Stoick was. I made your mom lie. I threatened her. She didn't want to lose you or Hiccup," Viggo said. Y/N couldn't believe what was happening. "We gave you a home," Y/N screamed. She shoved Johann's foot off her,stood up,and ran towards Viggo. But,Johann grabbed her and hit her over the head with the end of his sword knocking her out. Dagur was fighting in his chair now. Trying to get free. "Here. Join her," Johann said. He knocked Dagur out. He untied him after and said,"Let's go before we lose time."
It was the next day by the time Y/N woke up. She was in bed. She slowly sat up and looked around. Maybe it was a dream? Dagur walked into the room. He quickly sat the tray he was holding on the desk and ran to Y/N and hugged her. "You're awake. You're ok," Dagur said. His voice cracking a little. Y/N hugged him back. "Dagur,that was real? We need to go to New Berk. We need to help Hiccup," Y/N said and was moving too fast she got dizzy and landed on the bed. "You need to rest love. You got hit harder than me,"Dagur said. "A lie? All of it,"Y/N said. "I need to go to Hiccup Dagur. Now," Y/N said. "We will go tomorrow," Dagur said. Y/N stood up carefully and said,"No Dagur. I'm going now and you can't stop me." Y/N got her armor on and headed downstairs to pack food. After she finished,she opened the door,but heard footsteps. "Hope you packed enough food," Dagur said. Dagur was in his armor with a bag in hand. "Tell your sister to watch the island. We'll be back soon," Y/N said. Dagur nodded and they headed out.
Another plot're welcome 😂

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