Chapter 45

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Hiccup and Y/N went to his house. "What did dad leave," Y/N said,sitting her sword and shield down by the door. Hiccup opened a chest and took out a sword. Y/N knew it was their father's sword. His chief sword. "That's handed down to you Hiccup since your chief of Berk,well New Berk,"Y/N said. Hiccup nodded. "Yes,but he forgot to mention there was a second one to be handed down to you when you're u became chieftess," Hiccup said. He placed the one he took out on his bed and took out another one and handed it to Y/N. It had more of a gentle design to it compared to the design on Hiccups. "When did he have it made is the question," Y/N said looking at the sword. "The day you and Dagur got together," Hiccup said. Y/N looked at him weirdly. "Dad talked to me and Gobber and had us make it," Hiccup said. Y/N hugged Hiccup. "Thank you." Hiccup smiled and hugged her tightly back. "You're welcome." Y/N smiled and said,"By the way I'm pregnant again." Hiccup smiled and said,"That's amazing! Just now you have to be really careful."
It was late at night and everyone went home to finally rest and sleep. Y/N was in her house and putting her stuff up,so it was ready. Y/N changed into sleep wear and got under the blankets when she heard a sound. She quickly got up and throw her armor back on. She slowly walked to her bedroom doorway and looked around. No one was there. "Hello Y/N." Y/N jumped and turned around. "Viggo. What do you want," Y/N said. She was slowly walking backwards hoping to reach her sword while Viggo walked towards her. "You and Hiccup. You two have been the biggest pains for dragon Hunters. You guys hid the dragons. And you," Viggo said,walking closer to her. She hit something hard. Before she could react,arms were wrapped around her. "Ryker! Let me go," Y/N said. "Let this be a warning for Hiccup and everyone else. Cover her mouth and knock her out and take her to the ship. I'm going to leave a note for her brother," Viggo said. Ryker took a cloth and wrapped it around her mouth. He then hit her in the side of the head to knock her out.
*Hiccup's POV*
I got up and was careful to not wake up Astrid. I put my armor on and left the house. I headed to Y/N's house to get her because we were going to secretly search New Berk to make sure no one sneaked onto the island. Once I got to her door there was a note. I read it.
Dear Hiccup,
    I'm sorry for the dash and go,but we have plans. By the way,your sister gladly joined us. See you soon Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the third.
                                                                                       -Viggo and Ryker Grimborn
I was furious. I busted open her door. "Y/N! Y/N!," I yelled Hoping it wasn't true. After running upstairs and then back down, I saw her sword and shield by the door. She's gone. I screamed in frustration. I ran back to mine and Astrid's house. "Hiccup. Where were you? What's wrong," she asked. "Viggo and Ryker took Y/N at some point last night. She's gone. I need to go find her Astrid. I have to. She's pregnant again," I said. I was about to fall over. Astrid grabbed my arm and sat me in a chair. "Great she's having another kid,but horrible she's gone," Astrid said. I threw my head in my hands. "Hiccup,she'll be ok. Hopefully. I'll pack stuff for you and you can go get Dagur and-," Astrid got cut off by a knock at the door. She went and opened it. I looked up to see who it was. Astrid let them in. I stood up quickly and hugged our guest. "Wow I missed you too Hiccup," Dagur said. "I came by because Y/N has been gone more than expected. Heather is watching the island," Dagur said.
I let go of Dagur and looked down at the ground. "Umm...Dagur since you're here,you want to join me on a search for Viggo and Ryker," I asked. "Sure? Why me,"Dagur asked. I sat him down and said,"They took Y/N last night when we were resting." I've never seen Dagur so angry. Dagur screamed and hit the table. "We're going now Hiccup. They have more than just Y/N,"Dagur said. I nodded. We grabbed a few things and started to head out. We took a few other men with us just in case. It was time for a massive search.
*Y/N's POV*
I opened my eyes slowly. I was on a ship and noticed I was chained in a cage. My hands chained in front me and my feet chained together. Again. Great. I looked around and sighed. I slowly remembered what happened. "Good. Your awake. Here," Viggo said appearing from the shadows. He slipped in a cup of water and a chicken thigh. "Eat. I know you're hungry. I promise it isn't poisoned Y/N. I want you alive," Viggo said. I slowly walked towards the food and water. I sat in front of it and started to eat and drink. The whole time,Viggo watched. His eyes pierced through my skin.
After I finished,I sat back against the wall. "Why are you staring at me like I'm a prize dragon you've just caught and are going to sell for high price," I asked. Viggo cleared his throat and walked away. That's weird. He never leaves a question unanswered. I sat there wondering why he didn't answer or ask a question back.
*Viggo and Ryker POV*
Viggo and Ryker were in the quarters looking at maps. "So brother,did you tell her the truth," Ryker asked Viggo. Viggo just stood there looking at a map. "No,but I almost did," Viggo said. "She needs to know! It's been years and you haven't said a word to her brother! You need to tell Y/N the truth," Ryker said. "If you don't when we return to Melody island,then I'm telling her," Ryker told Viggo. Viggo turned and said,"I'll tell her when we get there brother. I can't right now."
Interesting.......another secret/plot twist coming? Maybe...

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